Examples of Preventative services in a sentence
Some services like exploratory surgery, angiograms, imaging, or follow-up procedures to Preventative services can also be diagnostic, but not Preventative and would apply the appropriate Cost-Share (Copay, Coinsurance) based on the service.
Some services like exploratory surgery, angiograms, imaging, or follow-up procedures to Preventative services can also be diagnostic, but not Preventative and would apply the appropriate Cost Sharing (Copay, Coinsurance) based on the service.
Preventative services include health promotion to ensure that illness is prevented and unequal outcomes are reduced; statutorily mandated health protection services to protect the public from toxic environmental risk and communicable diseases; and, population health protection services such as immunisation and screening services.
Preventative services address individual behaviours by targeting population wide physical and social environments to influence health and wellbeing.
Preventative services have been impacted by the pandemic, with increased levels of social pressures, deprivation, and rising costs of living all impacting on this area.
Preventative services are those which reduce future need, particularly the need for acute services provided at crisis point, which are generally very expensive.
Ortho Options Annual Benefit Co-Pay Life Benefit Cost to Employee Cash Refund Core $1000 80/20 $2000 0 0 Opt I $1000 80/20 $3000 $48 0 Opt II $1200 90/10 $2000 $96 0 Opt Out 0 $150 Note: Preventative services paid at 100% of reasonable and customary, subject to maximum benefit.
Mental Health Services 50-50 Emergency Room $50.00 Office visit including chiropractic services $20.00 Preventative services $750.00 Deductible $100/$200.
Preventative services shall be provided to prevent malfunctions of the Base Equipment and include calibration, testing, adjustments, cleaning, lubrication, replacement of defective parts, installation of engineering changes and other services as are necessary to maintain the Base Equipment in good working order.
Preventative services specific to women shall be offered for routine age appropriate screenings, to include breast examinations, pap smear, STD testing and mammograms.