Examples of previous period in a sentence
R$ million Volume¹ Rate ² Change³ Volume¹ Rate ² Change³Earning Assets ⁴1 – Net variation – Average Rate.2 – (Interest for the Current Period / Balance in the Current Period) x (Balance in the Previous Period) – (Interest for the Previous Period).
The Board does not recommend the payment of an interim dividend for the Period (Previous Period: nil).
Cumulative data for the current reporting quarter will become the Previous Period Column in the following quarter.
During the Period Under Review, the revenue in this business area increased to HK$139,903,000 from HK$88,986,000 in Previous Period, representing 57% rise.
Hong Kong profits tax has been provided at the rate of 16.5%, on the estimated assessable profit for the Period and the Previous Period.
The current liabilities include the dues of sundry creditors amounting to Rs. Nil (Previous Period Rs. Nil) relating to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises has been determined to the extent such parties have been identified on the basis of information available with the company.
Previous Period financial statements are not reclassified in accordance with TFRS 9 requirements as explained above in note I.
Fund management fees had increased for the Review Period as compared to the Previous Period mainly due to the expansion onto fund structures.
The significant drop in Group’s profit attributable to owners of the Company during the Period Under Review was primarily due to (i) the change from a net positive change recorded in the Previous Period to a net negative change recorded in the Period Under Review in the fair value of investments held for trading and (ii) reduced profit margin from 26% to 21%.
The Group also realised the residual portion of the non-recurrent dividends in the Previous Period from the successful partial exit of the investment property at 7000 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 5.