Previous Policy definition
Examples of Previous Policy in a sentence
Fortnightly Benefit means the Fortnightly Benefit amount (including the Superannuation Contributions Benefit where applicable) calculated in accordance with the principles specified in the Policy Schedule unless the Insurer has expressly agreed a contrary amount or a contrary amount was agreed under the Previous Policy.
Previous Policy StatementsWhile the NRC has increased its attention on the importance of a positive safety culture, the agency has long recognized the importance of a work environment with a safety-first focus.
Policy No. CATWL10731 Agreement No. WNR/BGH/08/0019 Previous Policy No. N/A Broker MEGSON FITZPATRICK INC.
This Policy Supercedes Any Previous Policy Bearing The Same Number And Policy Period.
If the cover that would have been provided under the Previous Policy is broader than that provided under this Policy for the same Healthcare Services, then We will pay on Your behalf all sums which You become legally liable to pay as:1.