Private Meter definition

Private Meter means a secondary water meter installed by the user downstream of the primary domestic water meter to measure non-sewered (outdoor) water use.
Private Meter means any appliance or device, whether or not supplied by the Board, which is used to measure, ascertain or regulate the amount of water taken or used from a supply of water, but is not used for the purposes of calculating any water rates or charges payable to the Board;
Private Meter means the water meter, register and remote readout unit installed and owned by a property owner, to measure the quantity of water used by the consumer.

Examples of Private Meter in a sentence

  • The installation of the new Private Meter in relation to the Discharge Point or on the private water supply shall be carried out by the Non-Household Customer.

  • These Processes B12, B13 and B14 set out the operational arrangements which apply where a new Private Meter is installed in relation to Eligible Premises having a Discharge Point, where either the Retailer or the Wholesaler becomes aware that a Private Meter is faulty or may not be recording consumption accurately, and where a Private Meter is replaced.

  • This Process sets out the operational arrangements which apply where a new Private Meter is installed at the Discharge Point or on the private water supply.

  • Process:Step 1 The Wholesaler shall procure that the Non-Household Customer shall notify the Wholesaler of its intention to install the new Private Meter.

  • A Pseudo Water Supply Point should also be established by Scottish Water where Sewerage Services only are provided and a Private Meter is to be registered for either sewerage or Trade Effluent purposes.

  • This term includes prohibitive discharge limits established pursuant to 40 CFR 403.5. Private Meter - A meter installed by a customer to record water usage from a private water system.

  • Trade Effluent A Pseudo Water Supply Point should also be established by Scottish Water where Sewerage Services only are provided and a Private Meter is to be registered for either sewerage or Trade Effluent purposes.

  • Trade Effluent ControlProcess 25B – Private Meter accuracy testing, repair and replacement Purpose and scope of Process 25B:-The repair, replacement, calibration and accuracy testing of a Private Meter will be carried out by the Non-Household Customer.

  • Trade Effluent ControlProcess 25A – Private Meter installation Purpose and scope of Process 25A:-The installation of a new Private Meter at a Discharge Point will be carried out by the Non- Household Customer.

  • The dominant ethical rule here, codified since 1913 by Rudolf Fehrman, has always been that the large nails (now there are often rings cemented or at expansion, placed during the first ascent) are used only for belaying, that is as a stop point.

More Definitions of Private Meter

Private Meter means a meter that is not owned by and not maintained by the Commission.
Private Meter means a water meter or a wastewater meter that is not owned by the City;
Private Meter means a water meter installed by a customer, at its own expense, in addition to the water meter owned by the City;
Private Meter means a Water Meter which is not owned, serviced or maintained by the City;
Private Meter means any appliance or device, whether or not supplied by the Board, which is used to measure, ascertain or
Private Meter. Private Water Meter” For a DPID, the entire period of time following the last Discharge Period; a Meter recording the volume of some or all of the Sewerage Services discharged to the Public Sewerage System at an Eligible Premises; any Meter whose Meter Treatment is Private Water Meter, Private Effluent Meter or Tankered Effluent; a Meter recording water supplied to an Eligible Premises from a water supply other than the Public Water Supply System; "Proposer" the Trading Party or the CEO, as the case may be, proposing a Change to the Market Code or the Operational Code; "Provider of Last Resort" or “POLR" a Licensed Provider appointed under the Allocation Process or the process set out in Section 5.3.6(i)(c) in accordance with CSD 0003 (Provider of Last Resort); “Pseudo Meter” a notional meter established at a Supply Point for Water Services or Pseudo Water Services Supply Point to facilitate the application of Re-Assessed Charges. “Pseudo Water Services Supply Point” or “Pseudo WS Supply Point” a notional Supply Point for Water Services established in order to support a Private Meter or a Pseudo Meter at a Sewerage Services Supply Point and which is not supplied with Water Services by Scottish Water. Each Pseudo Water Services Supply Point shall exist and be maintained only whilst it relates to a Private Meter, or to a Pseudo Meter at a related Sewerage Services Supply Point that is supplied with Water Services either: (a) until the related Sewerage Services Supply Point is Permanently Disconnected in accordance with CSD0104; or (b) unless Water Services are connected by Scottish Water, in which case the Pseudo Water Services Supply Point shall be reconfigured as a Water Services Supply Point in accordance with CSD0104. "Public Sewerage System" any and all of the sewers (and junctions therewith), drains, SUD systems, sewage treatment works and other similar infrastructure which are (either or both): (a) vested in Scottish Water; or (b) used by Scottish Water (or a person acting on its behalf or under its authority) in connection with the exercise of Scottish Water's core functions as respects the provision of sewerage or the disposal of sewage; "Public Water Supply System" the meaning given to it in the 2005 Act;

Related to Private Meter

  • Private Key means the key of a key pair used to create a digital signature;

  • Private use means any use of the Trading Platform by Clients that are physical persons;

  • Private Cloud System (PCS) A cloud infrastructure provisioned for exclusive use by a single organization comprising multiple consumers (e.g., business units). It may be owned, managed, and operated by the Requester, a third party, or some combination of them, and it may exist on or off premises.

  • Private Roads means Lateral Access Roads and the Company's access roads within a Railway Corridor;

  • Master Meter means the meter controlled by the licensed distributor and used for settlement of the master bill with the master consumer;

  • private land means any land that has been or may hereafter be alienated from the Crown for any estate of freehold, or is or may hereafter be the subject of any conditional purchase agreement, or of any lease or concession with or without a right of acquiring the fee simple thereof (not being a pastoral lease within the meaning of the Land Administration Act 1997 or a lease or concession otherwise granted by or on behalf of the Crown for grazing purposes only or for timber purposes or a lease of Crown land for the use and benefit of the Aboriginal inhabitants) but —

  • private dwelling means any part of a structure that is occupied as a residence, or any part of a structure or outdoor living area that is accessory to, and used wholly for the purposes of, a residence;

  • private road means a road (not being a public road) which is either constructed by the Joint Venturers in accordance with their proposals as approved by the Minister hereunder or agreed by the parties to be a private road for the purposes of this Agreement;

  • private sewer means a pipe or pipes which drain foul or surface water, or both, from premises, and are not vested in a Sewerage Undertaker;

  • Private carrier means an owner of a transport vehicle other than a public carrier who uses that vehicle solely for the carriage of goods which are his property or the carriage of which is necessary for the purposes of his business, not being a business of providing transport, or who uses the vehicle for any of the purposes specified in sub-section (2) of section 44;

  • Private Xxxxxx shall have the meaning assigned to such term in Section 10.01(f).

  • water meter means any apparatus for measuring or showing the volume of water supplied to, or of effluent discharged from any premises;

  • Private school means a school regulated under chapter 28A.195 or 28A.205 RCW.

  • Private applicator means an applicator who uses or supervises the use of any pesticide which is classified for restricted use for purposes of producing any agricultural commodity on property owned or rented by him or his employer or, if applied without compensation other than trading of personal services between producers of agricultural commodities, on the property of another person.*

  • Check Meter means the Buyer revenue-quality meter section or meter(s), which Buyer may require at its discretion, as set forth in Section 3.08(b) and will include those devices normally supplied by Buyer or Seller under the applicable utility Electric Service Requirements.

  • Private residence means a separate dwelling, or a separate apartment in a multiple-apartment dwelling, that is occupied by members of a single-family unit.

  • Private club means an organization, whether incorporated or not, which is the owner, lessee, or occupant of a building or portion thereof used exclusively for club purposes at all times, which is operated solely for a recreational, fraternal, social, patriotic, political, benevolent, or athletic purpose, but not for pecuniary gain, and which only sells alcoholic beverages incidental to its operation. The affairs and management of the organization are conducted by a board of directors, executive committee, or similar body chosen by the members at an annual meeting. The organization has established bylaws and/or a constitution to govern its activities. The organization has been granted an exemption from the payment of federal income tax as a club under 26 U.S.C. Section 501.

  • Smart Meter means a meter which tells us how much Energy you are using without us having to visit your home and which enables you to see how much Energy you are using;

  • Private Hire Vehicle means a licensed vehicle constructed or adapted to seat fewer than nine passengers, other than a hackney carriage or public service vehicle, which is provided for hire with the services of a driver for the purpose of carrying passengers

  • Cold Weather Alert means the notice that PJM provides to PJM Members, Transmission Owners, resource owners and operators, customers, and regulators to prepare personnel and facilities for expected extreme cold weather conditions.

  • Local public procurement unit means any political subdivision or unit thereof which expends public funds for the procurement of supplies, services, or construction.

  • Private home means a private residence in which the licensee permanently resides, which residency is not contingent upon caring for children or employment by a child placing agency. Private home includes a full-time foster family home, a full-time foster family group home, a group child care home, or a family child care home, as follows:

  • Semi-private Room means a single or two-bedded, or a room with maximum double occupancy and with a shared bath / shower room in a Hospital but excluding any room of upper class with its own kitchen, dining or sitting room(s).

  • Net meter means an appropriate energy meter capable of recording both import & export of electricity or a pair of meters one each for recording the import and export of electricity as the case may be;

  • Private road or driveway means every way or place in private ownership and used for vehicular travel by the owner and those having express or implied permission from the owner, but not by other persons.

  • Private Sewage Disposal System means a system which provides for the treatment or disposal of domestic sewage from four or fewer dwelling units or the equivalent of less than sixteen individuals on a continuing basis.