Examples of Procedural Arrangements in a sentence
In the event that Switzerland or the Association terminate the functions of the Association pursuant to paragraph 5 of the Procedural Arrangements, the Association shall notify the Borrower promptly of the date on which Switzerland shall assume the rights and obligations of the Association under this Agreement.
The Governance and Procedural Arrangements for the Pyrite Resolution Board and Housing Agency document formalises the arrangements between the PRB and the Housing Agency and sets out the arrangements agreed between the two bodies in relation to the remediation of dwellings under the Scheme having regard to the assignment of functional responsibilities in the Pyrite Resolution Act 2013.
Long established opposition, extremist and militant elements have the luxury of credibility with the people of the rural areas.
HB 2691 appears to do less protecting of surface waters in Arizona and instead limits public input and relaxes regulations.
In the event that Switzerland or the Association terminates the functions of the Association pursuant to paragraph 9 of the Procedural Arrangements, the Association shall notify the Borrower promptly of the date on which Switzerland shall assume the rights and obligations of the Association under this Agreement in respect of the Swiss Contribution.
All shares are authorized, issued and fully paid as at 31 December 2013.Ordinary sharesAll ordinary shares rank equally with regard to the Company’s residual assets.The holders of ordinary shares are entitled to receive dividends as declared from time to time, and are entitled to one vote per share at meetings of the Company.Non-redeemable preference sharesHolders of preference shares have no right of conversion or redemption, but are entitled to an annual dividend equal to 9% of face value.
In the event that Switzerland or the Associa- tion terminate the functions of the Association pursuant to paragraph 5 of the Procedural Arrangements, the Association shall notify the Borrower promptly of the date on which Switzerland shall assume its rights and obligations under this Agreement.
The Governance and Procedural Arrangements were agreed between the PRB and the Housing Agency.
Procedural Arrangements for Carrying Out the Negotiations On 13 July, the Council noted the report on Organising the Negotiations on a MAI [C(95)136], endorsed the conclusions set out in that report and accordingly decided to establish the Negotiating Group which will carry out its mandate in conformity with OECD procedures.
Belfast Health & Social Care Trust Policy & Procedural Arrangements relating to the Management of Stress, Health & Well Being_V2_Feb 13 Page 9 of 34Consultation with staff and their Trade Union Representatives during development and introduction of a policy is a legal requirement and it will also help to enhance employee relations, ref: Health & Safety (Consultation with Staff) Regulations (NI) 1996 and the Safety Representatives and Safety Committee Regulations (NI) 1979.