Project Capability definition

Project Capability means the nominal Electric Power and associated Electric Energy that the Project is capable of producing, net of (reduced by) the Electric Power (project capability) owned by another person under a Joint Ownership Agreement. The Project Capability initially available to UAMPS shall be based on the aggregate nameplate rating of the generating units included in the Initial Facilities with such adjustments as the Project Management Committee deems necessary to reflect the actual capability of the Initial Facilities. Project Capability initially means the aggregate amount of Electric Power shown on EXHIBIT I hereto and associated Electric Energy.
Project Capability means the ability of a vendor to perform the requested services based on understanding of the requirement and mastery of necessary technical requirements while demonstrating a lack of technical risk as evidenced by measurement or accomplishment.
Project Capability means the installed capability of the Facility to maintain Plant Reliability at the Delivery Point at Peak Capacity.

Examples of Project Capability in a sentence

  • MMWEC sells all of the capability (Project Capability) of each of its Projects to its Members and other utilities (Project Participants) under Power Sales Agreements (PSAs).

  • At its initial meeting, the Project Management Committee shall confirm and declare that the Effective Date has occurred, shall approve any changes to the expected Project Capability and shall approve the completed form of SCHEDULE D.

  • In the event that less than all of the expected Project Capability is fully subscribed at the end of the Development Period as described in this paragraph, UAMPS shall take such actions as are necessary to downsize the expected Project Capability to the amount of subscription under the Power Sales Contracts and any Joint Ownership Agreements or other arrangements.

  • The Effective Date of the Power Sales Contracts shall occur on the date on which UAMPS receives executed Power Sales Contracts and the other items described in the preceding sentence from Participants that have requested Development Shares totaling 85% of the expected Project Capability as of the Effective Date (the “Minimum Subscription”).

  • To decide which text to highlight, assessors were asked to skim-read the whole document and to iden- tify all relevant information.

  • The two (2) pages, Project Capability Plan is to allow the Respondent to differentiate their capability to meet the requirements of this project by conveying successes with previous customers for projects of similar size and scope.

  • Power Generation AssetCapability GapsDriversManagement Technology Roadmap R&D ProgramsTechnology CharacteristicsDriverCommercially Available TechnologyExisting R&D Program or Project Capability GapCommercially Unavailable TechnologyR&D Program RequirementD4Maximizing Value of FCRPS:Secondary marketing of any remaining FCRPS flexibility lowers power rates.

  • In addition, should a Project Participant fail to make any payment when due, other Project Participants of that Project may be required to increase (step-up) their payments and correspondingly their Participant’s share of the Project’s Project Capability.

  • D.4.5. Failure to comply with any of the Project Capability format requirements may result in disqualification.

  • Experience, References, & Project Capability 30% Proposed Work Plan 30%Cost Proposal 35%Local Preference 5% 100%The Selection Committee will review and rank cost proposals separately.

More Definitions of Project Capability

Project Capability means the ability of a vendor to perform the requested services based 4
Project Capability means the ability of a ven- dorsupplier to perform the requested services based on un- derstanding of the requirement and mastery of necessary
Project Capability means the Electric Power and associated Electric Energy that the Initial Facilities, any Additional Facilities and, for purposes of Section 301(f), the individual generating units included in the Initial Facilities are capable of producing. The Project Capability available to UAMPS from (i) the Initial Facilities will be the aggregate nameplate rating of the generating units included in the Initial Facilities, and (ii) an individual generating unit will be the nameplate rating of such unit.
Project Capability means the amounts of electric Capacity and Energy and Ancillary Services and Electricity Products, if any, which the Project is capable of producing at any particular time (including times when the Project is not operable or operating or the operation thereof is suspended, interrupted, interfered with, reduced or curtailed, in each case in whole or in part for any reason whatsoever), less Project station use and losses, and shall be determined in accordance with the ISO-NE Rules & Procedures and otherwise in accordance with Prudent Utility Practice.

Related to Project Capability

  • Potential electrical output capacity means, with regard to a unit, 33 per- cent of the maximum design heat input of the unit.

  • Interconnection Feasibility Study means either a Generation Interconnection Feasibility Study or Transmission Interconnection Feasibility Study.

  • Available Flowgate Capability or “AFC” shall mean the rating of the applicable Flowgate less the projected loading across the applicable Flowgate less TRM and CBM. The firm AFC is calculated with only the appropriate Firm Transmission Service reservations (or interchange schedules) in the model, including recognition of all roll-over Transmission Service rights. Non- firm AFC is determined with appropriate firm and non-firm reservations (or interchange schedules) modeled.

  • Interoperability means the ability of a CenturyLink OSS Function to process seamlessly (i.e., without any manual intervention) business transactions with CLEC's OSS application, and vice versa, by means of secure exchange of transaction data models that use data fields and usage rules that can be received and processed by the other Party to achieve the intended OSS Function and related response. (See also Electronic Bonding.)

  • Spacecraft (9) means active and passive satellites and space probes.

  • Service Specifications means the following documents, as applicable to the Services under Your order: (a) the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies, the Program Documentation, the Oracle service descriptions, and the Oracle Corporate Security Practices; (b) Oracle’s privacy policies; and (c) any other Oracle documents that are referenced in or incorporated into Your order. The following do not apply to any non-Cloud Oracle service offerings acquired under Your order, such as professional services: the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies and Program Documentation. The following do not apply to any Oracle- provided Software: the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies.

  • Subproject means a program or other initiative to be carried out by Beneficiaries under Part 3 of the Project which having met the eligibility criteria set out in the Project Implementation Manual and the provisions of Schedule 2 to this Agreement is eligible for financing, on a grant basis, in accordance with the provisions of the Project Implementation Manual.

  • Interconnection Point means the point(s) of connection(s) at which the project is connected to the grid i.e. it shall be at 11 / 22 kV bus bar level of substation of MSEDCL.

  • Launch Vehicle means an object, or any part thereof, intended for launch, launched from Earth, or returning to Earth which carries Payloads or persons, or both.