Examples of Project Capability in a sentence
At its initial meeting, the Project Management Committee shall confirm and declare that the Effective Date has occurred, shall approve any changes to the expected Project Capability and shall approve the completed form of SCHEDULE D.
The Effective Date of the Power Sales Contracts shall occur on the date on which UAMPS receives executed Power Sales Contracts and the other items described in the preceding sentence from Participants that have requested Development Shares totaling 85% of the expected Project Capability as of the Effective Date (the “Minimum Subscription”).
In the event that less than all of the expected Project Capability is fully subscribed at the end of the Development Period as described in this paragraph, UAMPS shall take such actions as are necessary to downsize the expected Project Capability to the amount of subscription under the Power Sales Contracts and any Joint Ownership Agreements or other arrangements.
UAMPS and the Participant acknowledge and agree that it may not be possible to precisely match the final amount of the expected Project Capability with the amount of Project subscription and in this case the Project Management Committee will have the authority to approve such true up adjustments to the Entitlement Shares of all Participants as are necessary at the time that it approves the initial SCHEDULE I.