Examples of Project Contractors in a sentence
Consultant neither guarantees the performance of the Project Contractor(s), nor assumes the responsibility for the Project Contractor’s(s’) failure to perform their work in accordance with the Contract Documents.
Nevertheless, Consultant shall notify both the City and the Project Contractor(s) whenever a thorough and complete inspection of the Project would reveal Project installations, other work performed by Project Contractor(s), materials or activities which fail to comply with the Contract Documents and/or the Project Contractor’s(s’) standard of care.
Begin each video recording with name of Project, Contractor's name, videographer's name, and Project location.
Time requirements are for the benefit of OWNER, CONTRACTOR and other Project Contractors.
Project Contractors and Subcontractors shall be prohibited from use and possession of alcoholic beverages, drugs (other than prescription), carrying weapons or ammunition onto the site, or using or carrying weapons while performing work on the Project’s behalf, or attending Project sponsored activities.