Project Management Board definition
Examples of Project Management Board in a sentence
Periodic reviews of contract management processes will be carried out by the Lead Procurement Officer and/or the Project Management Board to ensure the sharing of best practice and the highlighting of any issues.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD), through its Central Project Management Unit (CPMU) under the Agricultural Project Management Board (APMB), will coordinate with relevant agencies in the implementation of the RP.
Additional policy changes are summarised at the end of the major policy matters section, and reflect a combination of minor wording changes to policies or substantive changes that have not been addressed directly, or in detail, by the Project Management Board.
The National Power Transmission Corporation (NPT) is the executing agency and the Southern Power Project Management Board (SPPMP) is the implementing agency for the two subprojects.
This will be achieved by recording a range of metrics, but also through surveys of the iSGTW readers, conducting interviews and questionnaires at conferences attended by the grid and e-Infrastructure community, through the impact and sustainability reports of WP1 and also by acting on the feedback from the Project Management Board.
The Strategic Business Case should be submitted to CIPB for consideration, with the exception of Strategic Regeneration projects where the Project Management Board (PMB) first reviews the SBC.
The Project Director will be supported by the Project Office, lead the Project Executive Board and report to the Project Management Board (PMB).
This will ensure that the manpower involved can focus on achieving the project deliverables effectively, while maintaining adequate checks for transparency and accountability between the partners through the role of the Project Management Board.
The second critical speed and the third mode also increase in frequency as the bearing stiffnesses increase.
The Power Network Project Management Board undertakes the Project management as assigned by NPC including EMDP preparation and implementation.