Examples of Name of Company in a sentence
Name of Company: Name of authorised person: Signature: Date: * If you wish to report unethical conduct you can contact or *If you are aware of any fraud/ corruption within the municipality.
No. Name of Company Contract Value Contract Period 2Work Order Ref.
Name of Company Secretary/Director (print) .............................................................
Given by (Name of Company) of (registered address of Company) a company incorporated with limited liability according to the Company Laws of the Republic of South Africa (hereinafter called the Contractor), represented herein by (Name of Representative) in his capacity as (Designation) of the Contractor, is duly authorised hereto by a resolution dated /20 , to sign on behalf of the Contractor.
SubcontractorInsured By Subcontractor’s SubInsured By Date: Name of Company: Contact Name: Address: Title: Phone Number: E-mail: Fax Number: By: Name: Failure to adhere to Act 54, Section 32 of the Acts of 2009 and submit Subcontractor Reporting: Worker Classification Compliance Requirement will constitute non-compliance and may result in cancellation of contract and/or forfeiture of future bidding privileges until resolved.