Protected Device definition
Examples of Protected Device in a sentence
If you have a Protected Device that is not repairable, a device that is ineligible for repair, there is not an authorized repair location or technician available, or We determine that a replacement is necessary, We will contact You informing You that a Replacement Device will be provided to You.
In the case of a replacement, Protected Devices will be replaced with a wireless device of like kind and quality with comparable features and functionality to the Protected Device.
If a Failure affects a Protected Accessory in conjunction with the Failure of the Protected Device, or if the Protected Device is replaced with a different model, We will also replace the Protected Accessory(ies).
In the event of a Failure of a Protected Device, You may file a service request by calling 0-000-000-0000 or online at xxxxx:// (“Service Request”).
If the Protected Device suffers a Failure during the time this Contract is in effect, We will repair or replace the Protected Device, at Our option, as described below.