Protection of Investments Sample Clauses
Protection of Investments. 1. All investments made by investors of either Contracting Party shall enjoy, in the territory of the other contracting party fair and equitable treatment.
2. Subject to the measures necessary for the maintenance of public order, such investments will enjoy a constant protection and security, excluding any unjustified or discriminatory measure which could adversely affect, in law or in fact, management, maintenance, use, enjoyment or disposal of such investments.
Protection of Investments. 1. Each Contracting Party shall extend in its territory full protection and security to investments and returns of investors of the other Contracting Party. Neither Contracting Party shall hamper, by arbitrary or discriminatory measures, the development, management, maintenance, use, enjoyment, expansion, sale and the liquidation of such investments.
2. Investments or returns of investors of either Contracting Party in the territory of the other Contracting Party shall be accorded fair and equitable treatment in accordance with applicable principles of international law recognized by both Contracting Parties.
Protection of Investments. 1. Each Contracting Party shall promote conditions for investors of other Contracting Party to make investments in the territory of its State and admit such investments in accordance with its legislation.
2. Each Contracting Party shall ensure, in accordance with its national law, full protection in its territory of investments of investors of the other Contracting Party.
Protection of Investments. 1. Investments by investors of either Contracting State shall at all times enjoy fair and equitable treatment and full protection and security in the territory of the other Contracting State in a manner consistent with recognized principles of international law and the provisions of this Agreement. Neither Contracting State shall in any way impair by arbitrary or discriminatory measures the use, management, conduct, operation, expansion or sale or other disposition of investments.
2. Each Contracting State shall make public or all laws, regulations, judicial decisions and administrative rulings, directives, procedures and guidelines that pertain to or directly affect investments in its territory of investors of the other Contracting State.
3. Each Contracting State shall provide effective means of asserting claims and enforcing rights with respect to investments. Each Contracting State shall ensure to investors of the other Contracting State, the right of access to its courts of justice, administrative tribunals and agencies, and all other bodies exercising adjudicatory authority, and the right to mandate persons of their choice, who qualify under applicable laws and regulations for the purpose of the assertion of claims and the enforcement of rights with respect to their investments.
4. Neither Contracting State may impose as a condition for the establishment, acquisition, expansion, use, management, conduct or operation of investments by investors of the other Contracting State mandatory measures, which may require or restrict the purchase of materials, energy, fuel or of means of production, transport or operation of any kind or restrict the marketing of products inside or outside its territory, or any other measures having the effect of discrimination against investments by investors of the other Contracting State in favour of investments by its own investors or by investors of third states. Furthermore, within the limits of this Agreement, investments shall not be subjected in the host Contracting State to performance requirements which may be detrimental to their viability or adversely affect their use, management, conduct, operation, expansion, sale or other disposition.
5. Investments by investors of either Contracting State shall not be subjected in the host Contracting State to sequestration, confiscation or any other similar measures except under due process of law and in conformity with applicable principles of international law and other relev...
Protection of Investments. 1. Each Contracting Party shall extend in its territory full protection and security to investments and returns of investors of the other Contracting Party. Neither Contracting Party shall hamper, by arbitrary or discriminatory measures, the development, management, maintenance, use, enjoyment, expansion, sale and if it is the case, the liquidation of such investments. Either Contracting Party shall observe any other obligation it may have entered into with regard to investments of investors of the other Contracting Party.
2. Investments or returns of investors of either Contracting Party in the territory of the other Contracting Party shall be accorded fair and equitable treatment in accordance with international law and provisions of this Agreement.
Protection of Investments. Each Contracting Party shall, subject to its laws and regulations and in conformity with international law, at all times ensure fair and equitable treatment to the investments of investors of the other Contracting Party.
Protection of Investments. 1. Each Contracting Party shall extend in its territory full protection and security to investments and returns of investors of the other Contracting Party. Neither Contracting Party shall hamper, by arbitrary, unreasonably or discriminatory measures, the development, management, maintenance, use, enjoyment, expansion, sale and if it is the case, the liquidation of such investments. Either Contracting Party shall observe any other obligation it may have entered into with regard to specific investments of investors of the other Contracting Party.
2. Investments or returns of investors of either Contracting Party in the territory of the other Contracting Party shall be accorded fair and equitable treatment in accordance with international law and provisions of this Agreement.
3. Each Contracting Party shall in its territory not impose mandatory measures on investments by investors of the other Contracting Party concerning purchase of materials, means of production, operation, transport, marketing of its products or similar orders having unreasonable or discriminatory effects.
4. Each Contracting Party shall promptly publish, or otherwise make publicly available, its laws, regulations, procedures and administrative rulings and judicial decisions of general application as well as international agreements which may affect the investments of investors of one Contracting Party in the territory of the other Contracting Party.
Protection of Investments. 1. Investments of investors of one Contracting Party effected within the territory of the other Contracting Party in accordance with the laws and regulations of the latter, shall receive in the other Contracting Party full legal protection and fair treatment not less favourable than that accorded to its own investors or to investors of any third state which are in a comparable situation.
2. If a Contracting Party accords special advantages to investors of any third state by virtue of an agreement establishing a free trade area, a customs union, a common market or a similar regional organisation or by virtue of an agreement on the avoidance of double taxation, it shall not be obliged to accord such advantages to investors of the other Contracting Party.
Protection of Investments. The Contracting Parties shall grant fair and equitable treatment to investments made by investors of the other Contracting Party. They shall not subject the administration, maintenance, use, transfer, enjoyment or termination of investments made by investors of one Contracting Party in the territory of the other Contracting Party, and the companies and projects in which such investments were made, to any discriminatory or legally unjustified measures.
Protection of Investments. 1. All investments, direct or indirect, made by investors of one of the Contracting Parties shall enjoy, in the territory of the other Contracting Party, fair and equitable treatment.
2. Subject to the measures necessary for the maintenance of public order, such investments shall enjoy constant security and protection, excluding any unjustified or discriminatory measure which might hinder, in law or in fact, their management, maintenance, use, enjoyment or liquidation.
3. The treatment and protection referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be at least equal to those enjoyed by investors of a third country and shall in no case be less favourable than those accorded by international law.
4. However, this treatment and such protection shall not extend to the privileges which either Contracting Party accords to investors of a third State by virtue of its association or participation in a free trade area, customs union or common market, other forms of regional economic organizations.