Examples of Pyrolysis facility in a sentence
The main objective of the plant currently is to produce high quality charcoal for use in metallurgical processes in South Africa.Figure 1: Map of South Africa Figure 2: RWC’s Slow Pyrolysis facility The production of charcoal and other by-products is drawn from a wood distillation or carbonisation plant with a relatively low capital investment, making use of wood-based biomass waste, which would otherwise be declared as unrecoverable waste, and non-useable in kiln processes.
The refuse derived fuel would either be baled and taken off-site or processed on site via the consented (and now under construction) Low Carbon Energy Pyrolysis facility.
The commission adopts the amendment to §330.3(124) to add the definition of "Pyrolysis facility" to reflect its exclusion from the definition of "solid waste facility" by HB 1953.