Qualifications Statement definition

Qualifications Statement or “QS” means the submission made by a Proposer in response to the RFQ, including all clarifications thereto submitted in response to requests by TxDOT.
Qualifications StatementThe contractor must submit a Qualifications Statement with their quote, which details the experience of the team members designated to work on the project and their qualifications as described above.
Qualifications Statement. Please respond to this request by submitting a written statement of qualifications setting forth your firm's qualifications and addressing the following inquiries:

Examples of Qualifications Statement in a sentence

  • The undersigned warrants and represents that he/she has personal knowledge of each of the responses to this Qualifications Statement and/or that he/she has conducted all necessary and appropriate inquiries to determine the truth, completeness and accuracy of responses to this Qualifications Statement.

  • The undersigned is duly authorized to execute this Qualifications Statement under penalty of perjury on behalf of the above-identified Respondent.

  • The Committee may require respondents to submit additional information, if necessary, to clarify or supplement information contained in a Qualifications Statement.

  • The undersigned declares and certifies that the responses to this Qualifications Statement are complete and accurate; there are no omissions of material fact or information that render any response to be false or misleading and there are no misstatements of fact in any of the responses.

  • Complete the Qualifications Statement and provide all information requested therein.

  • Any Respondent submitting a Qualifications Statement pursuant to this solicitation and forming teams to provide Services should familiarize itself with the Exempt Services that may be the subject of future Delivery Orders.

  • Each Bidder will submit with its bid a completed Contractor Qualifications Statement, which is included with the Contract Documents, and thereafter provide the Design Professional promptly with such additional information as the Design Professional may request regarding the Bidder's qualifications.

  • Depending on the nature of Respondents participating in this solicitation and the information Board obtains in the Qualifications Statements, Board may determine that it is not in its best interests to further consider a specific Respondent’s Qualifications Statement because such Respondent (or its Subconsultants/Subcontractors, Affiliates or similar Persons) may have potential conflicts of interest as a result of existing contract or service relationships at the Airport.

  • By submitting a Qualifications Statement in response to this solicitation, each Respondent agrees to comply with such applicable Diversity Program.

  • Each Bidder shall submit with its Bid Proposal the form of Qualifications Statement, which is included within the Contract Documents.

More Definitions of Qualifications Statement

Qualifications Statement means the statement provided by the Bidder that details the Bidder’s experience in performing work similar to those described in the Bid Documents and includes the names and experience of the management employee(s) who have been identified by the Bidder as the management employee(s) responsible for the supervision of the delivery of the “Refuse Collection and Disposal and Curbside Recycling Services”.
Qualifications Statement means the statement provided by the Vendor as described in the Instructions for submitting a Proposal providing detail on the Vendor’s experience in performing work similar to the Collection & Disposal Services described in the Collection & Disposal Agreement and a list of management employees who will manage and oversee the Collection & Disposal Services and any consultants or subcontractors that will perform the services.

Related to Qualifications Statement

  • Request for Qualifications means all materials and

  • method statement means a written document detailing the key activities to be performed in order to reduce as reasonably as practicable the hazards identified in any risk assessment;