method statement means a written document detailing the key activities to be performed in order to reduce as reasonably as practicable the hazards identified in any risk assessment;
method statement means a written submission by the Contractor to the Project Manager in response to this EMPr or a request by the Project Manager and ECO. The method statement must set out the equipment, materials, labour and method(s) the Contractor proposes using to carry out an activity identified by the Project Manager when requesting the Method Statement. This must be done in such detail that the Project Manager and ECO is able to assess whether the Contractor's proposal is in accordance with this specification and/or will produce results in accordance with this specification;
Examples of method statement in a sentence
If a generic Risk Assessment and Method Statement was provided by the Contractor with its Tender Return, the Authority may, at its option require a Site specific Risk Assessment and Method Statement.
More Definitions of method statement
method statement means a document setting out working procedures and sequences including those necessary to ensure safety management;
method statement means a statement setting out the proposed methods for the execution of the Works or otherwise and forming part of the Tender
method statement means a document which describes in a logical sequence exactly how a job is to be carried out in a way that secures health and safety and includes all the control measures.
method statement means the method statement forming part of the tender.
method statement means a document detailing the key activities to be performed in order to reduce as reasonably as practicable the hazards identified in any risk assessment;
method statement means a document prepared by the Customer that details the way a work task or process is to be completed. The method statement should outline the hazards involved and include a step by xxxx xxxxx on how to do the job safely. The method statement must also detail which control measures have been introduced to ensure the safety of anyone who is affected by the task or process;