Examples of R egistrar in a sentence
Investors may co ntact t he LM, t he R egistrar t o t he I ssue o r t he C ompliance O fficer o f o ur C ompany, for an y complaints pertaining to the Issue.
A fresh certificate of incorporation consequent to the change of name was granted to our Company on December 24, 2014, by t he R egistrar of C ompanies, D elhi.
OLAROZ LITHIUM FACILITY (ORE 66.5%)2• Production for the quarter of 2,732 tonnes was down 11% on the previous corresponding period (PCP) due to the temporary plant shut down.
A ll persons claim ing to have any objections to the issue of such copy, are hereby required to lodge sam e, in w riting, w ith the R egistrar of D eeds, at H arare, w ithin 14 days of publication of this notice.
O bjections to such registration should be lodged w ith the R egistrar of Trade U nions before the expiration of six m onths from the date of this N otice.Name of UnionKhalil and Halawi Workers* UnionName of Secretary..
O bjections to such registration should be lodged w ith the R egistrar of Trade U nions before the eiqiiration of six m onths firom the date of this N otice.Name 4 f UnionName of SecretaryRegistered AddressSapele C aipenters’ U nion t • • «Johnson Ojo• • 3 Abrahal Road, Sapele.M id-W estern R ubber Lum bs A gents’ U nion ..
A ll persons having any objections to, or w ishing to m ake any representation in connexion w ith, the issue of such copy, are hereby required to lodge sam e, in w riting, w ith the R egistrar of D eeds, at B ulaw ayo, w ithin 14 days from the date of publication of this notice.— C oghlan, W elsh & G uest, incorporating Stum bles & R ow e, Executive C ham bers, 16 , G eorge Silundika A venue, H arare.
O bjec tions to such registration should be lodged w ith the R egistrar, of T rade U nions before the expiration of six m onths from the date of this N otice.Name of XJmonIfe D ivision M aster P rinters’ U nion ..*'■ .Name ff<SecretaryM r J.
A ll persons having any objections to, or w ishing to m ake any representation in connexion w ith, the issue of such copy, are hereby required to lodge sam e, in w riting, w ith the R egistrar of D eeds, at B ulaw ayo, w ithin 14 days from the date of publication of this notice.— ^ Josaya Tayi, c/o T.
Name and Company Registration number, as provided by the R egistrar of Companies, of Reporting Financial Institution (If there is no such number then the name and address of the entity should be used.) 4.