Social Impact. The Social Impact Pool invests in organizations that are treating employees and customers fairly and are creating opportunities for the least advantaged. Additionally, the Pool focuses on investment managers from groups that have been traditionally excluded from the asset management industry.
Social Impact. 4.1 In conducting the Project Activities the MEP Participants shall use Best Endeavours to minimise potential disturbances to surrounding communities and the property of the inhabitants thereof.
Social Impact. This pool seeks long-term growth through a diversified portfolio of global stocks and bonds from companies with strong financial and social records. Investment managers may consider positive and negative social factors when evaluating companies, ranging from environmental sustainability to involvement with the manufacture of weapons, tobacco and alcohol. This pool is appropriate for assets that will remain invested for at least seven years. Assets are exposed to market risks and may experience significant volatility and principal loss from year to year. The projected near worst- case return per annum over three years is approximately -13%.
Social Impact. Unless there are complexities supported by the Requesting Officer and with the prior authorization if the Follow Up Unit of the DEA Execution, there cannot be more than one Manager per Contract or Agreement.
Social Impact. Assessment Report 1 WP5 1 - CU Report Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services) 18 D5.9
Social Impact. There will be hundreds of visitors at the Doors Open Days and attendees at the Information Days and Stakeholders meetings. There will be dozens of media reactions to the AComIn dissemination efforts. SWOT analysis (Pages 45-48 of DoW) We acknowledge the first International Evaluation of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences which was a self-initiated and pioneering initiative, performed by the European Science Foundation/ALLEA (no Bulgarian university organised such an extensive procedure yet). It displayed BAS strengths and a number of weaknesses: fragmentation of research activities, brain drain, ageing and others. The
Social Impact. Assessment (SIA) The Consultant shall also carry out the SIA consequent to proposed projects/ sub-projects in the DPR. This SIA shall also include consultations with affected communities & people. The SIA chapter shall inter-alia contain the magnitude and other details of Land Acquisition, Resettlement issues and the Mitigation of Impacts thereof. The SIA Report shall also include the baseline socio-economic characteristics of the Project Affected Families (PAFs) & Project Affected Person (PAPs), the R&R policy provisions & entitlements, outcome of the consultations held with the communities, implementation and monitoring mechanisms. It shall also contain the budget for implementing the R&R and other provisions related to SIA.
Social Impact. The social effects of bridge financing of ESIF sub-projects will stem from accelerated project realization, and therefore, delivery of benefits to the final beneficiaries within a shorter time frame, sometimes by several years. Similarly, faster implementation leads toward uniform allocation of resources during the Programming Period and lightens the work load towards the end of the Programming Period, potentially increasing the effectiveness of human resources needed and improving productivity. The realized subprojects' social effects under INTERREG Europe Programme (INTERREG) will stem, among others, from better competitiveness of SMEs, technological development, innovation support and rehabilitated cultural heritage. Under the Operational Programme Quality of Environment (OP QE), the social effects will stem from the sustainable use of natural resources; active adaptation to climate change with particular focus on flood protection; promotion of risk management in the area of climate change; and support to energy efficient solutions in all sectors. Under the lntegrated Regional Operational Programme (IROP), the social value should stem from the development of regional infrastructure, accessible and efficient public services; the support of business and jobs creation; and the support of local communities in towns and villages. The ECF will play an important role in reducing the difference in public service quality between TSK's various services ranging from social affairs to transportation infrastructure and that of the Bratislava region or regions of the more developed economies of the EU. APPENDIX 2
Social Impact. Assessment Report 2 1 - CU Report Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services) 36 D5.10 Data Management Plan (DMP) 1 - CU ORDP: Open Research Data Pilot Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services) 6 Description of deliverables
Social Impact. Assessment Methods for research and funding instruments through the study of Productive Interactions (SIAMPI): as the name indicates, a key to this initiative is the concept of “productive interactions” (see below). SIAMPI distinguishes three types of “productive interactions”. These may be direct – including, say, face-to-face encounters, through phone, email or videoconferencing. They can also be indirect – i.e. contacts that are established through some kind of material carrier, for example texts, exhibitions, models, or films. “Productive interactions” may also take a financial form – e.g. a research contract, a financial contribution, or a contribution in kind, etc. (Xxxxxxx et al 2011)