Playing time definition
Playing time means a total of 80 (eighty) minutes divided into 2 (two) halves of 40 (forty) minutes each with a 10 (ten) minute break in between each half;
Playing time means actual playing time only. It excludes breaks between movements and pieces.
Playing time. Players have NO guarantee of playing time. This could mean a player may sit out for several matches during the day. Coaches will do their best to provide playing time, but you must be willing to accept this rule in order to participate at this level. Teams will offer fair (not equal) playing time to each team player. Fair could be defined as playing an average of 2 or 3 rotations (front or back row) per match or day. Fair is not based on time, playing a specific requested position, or being able to serve. If you must miss a practice, you must inform your coach AND team captain a minimum 24 hours in advance so that the coach may plan practice appropriately. There is no exception to this rule! Two weeks advance notice is required if you can’t attend a tournament. Practice schedules will be available 15-30 days in advance, tournament schedules 30-60 days in advance (within the control of Ocvbc, with exceptions). We request that Ocean County Volleyball Club be a priority, after schoolwork. If you decide that your schedule has too many conflicts, then you should seriously reconsider whether you have the time to dedicate to our Travel Team program. We are looking for players who are committed to reaching their potential and who are willing to work hard to achieve this. Bring ALL uniform items to ALL tournaments. When your team has referee duties, the ENTIRE team must stay and work until the match is completed, this includes the last officiating duty. All players must stay the entire tournament regardless of play time or work schedule. All players will be required to learn R2 and scorekeeping and R2 and scorekeep in tournaments. During any overnight travel, it is our preference that all players stay with their parents or another team parent. It is the parent’s responsibility to arrange housing for their daughter if they can’t attend. If there are any problems incurred at hotels by players, they will be asked to leave immediately and will be removed from the team for remainder of the season! Costs associated with travel is the responsibility of the parents (hotel, transportation, etc) Ocean County Volleyball Club assigns a minimum of one coach per team to hold practices and attend tournaments. Each coach is asked to make as many of these as possible. Understand that circumstances and schedules will require that some teams hold joint practices when a coach is unable to attend. We also have substitute coaches that fill in for practices and tournaments when the head ...
Examples of Playing time in a sentence
Playing time for athletes is the sole decision of the Head Coach and his/her staff.
Playing time shall be in compliance with LLB Regulation IV (i).As allowed by LLB Rule 4.04, NVLL will exercise the option to adopt the continuous batting order for the Major League division.
Playing time for all League playoff and any tournament games shall be governed by the minimum standards as set forth in the Official Rules.
Playing time at these levels is based upon practice attendance, work ethic, attitude, commitment to the team, and athletic skill.
Playing time / rules of competition for any contest cannot be changed by any coach or official.
More Definitions of Playing time
Playing time means the total time spent in exhibition of cinematograph films in a licensed place during a period of three hundred and sixty-five days; and
Playing time. All players are entitled to receive coaching instruction and participate in all practices. Playing time in games is at the discretion of the coaching staff and reflects displayed effort, dedication, coach-ability and skill. Union Lacrosse plans to field both a Varsity and JV team. It is the intention of both teams that we will compete to win. Coaches will aim to play those players which will give the team the best opportunity to win games.
Playing time means the amount of time a player is involved in an athletic contest or performance. We believe participation is very important. There are natural limits to the opportunity for participation, such as the number of parts in a play, or the number of players
Playing time. Playing time is NOT guaranteed at the Varsity Level but is mandated at the JV level per the CYO “Increased Participation Rule”. Playing time is a privilege and not a right. We encourage all coaches that it is usually in the best interest of the team for everyone to receive an “earned” amount of playing time. In other words, work hard with a good attitude and you will play. The amount of time any given athlete is on the court is the result of a complex determination, in that coach's opinion, of the athlete’s overall attitude and ability, the athlete's potential, the team's needs at the moment, the team's needs in the future, as well as the overall effort demonstrated by the athlete through practices leading up to the game. Playing time may also be affected if your child has an unexcused absence from practice. An unexcused absence will affect a player’s playing time during the games scheduled for that week. If a player has more than one unexcused absence in a practice week, the player will sit an entire game. Please understand that we do realize that children get sick, have schoolwork and participate in other activities. A coach must be notified in advance of any absences.
Playing time means the amount of time a player is involved in an athletic contest or performance. We believe participation is very important. There are natural limits to the opportunity for participation, such as the number of parts in a play, or the number of players who take part during an athletic event. The following guidelines are considered for athletic “playing time” and expectations for earning “playing time”.
Playing time. All players are entitled to receive coaching instruction and participate in all practices. Playing time in games is at the discretion of the coaching staff and reflects displayed effort, dedication, coach-ability and skill. All players are expected to maintain a high level of dedication to the team and the success of the team. The focus will be on learning life lessons, team work, dedication and individual / team improvement in a high level setting.
Playing time means the total time spent on the exhibition of certified film at a licenced place during the year commencing on the 1st day of January;