Examples of Released for Construction Documents in a sentence
If a design change takes place after sign-off of the Released for Construction Documents, the Design-Builder shall prepare a Design Change Notice (DCN) and submit it the Design Quality Assurance Engineer for review and comment.
Developer shall cause the engineer of record for the Facility to sign and seal all Released for Construction Documents.
Developer shall cause the engineer of record for the Project to sign and seal all Released for Construction Documents.
The Contractor’s Professional Engineer in responsible charge of the MOT design shall prepare or oversee, review, seal with a Colorado PE stamp and approve: field design changes that require a revision to a previously stamped and approved plan sheet; Released for Construction Documents, and TCP plans.
Released for Construction Documents allow the Contractor to initiate construction in advance of Acceptance of the final Design Documents by CDOT.
If a design change takes place after acceptance of the Released for Construction Documents, the Design-Builder shall prepare a Notice of Design Change (NDC) and submit it the Design Quality Assurance Engineer for review and comment.
DB Contractor shall cause the Engineer of Record for the Project to sign and seal all Released for Construction Documents.
Design-Build Contractor shall submit to IFA the Released for Construction Documents for the aesthetics and landscaping of the side slopes along I-465 within the Historic District and the bridge carrying I-465 over Bluff Road.
These plans shall be a component of all Released for Construction Documents where any signing, pavement marking, traffic signal, or lighting element is required for the Work.
DB Contractor shall construct the Project in accordance with the Released for Construction Documents and the Construction Documents.