Examples of Requested Data in a sentence
Requested Data: Please note that text fields have a limit of 2000 characters.
If Documents, data, information or other reports requested from a Registered Entity in connection with development of a Mitigation Plan or other Mitigating Activities are not received by the Required Date, the Compliance Enforcement Authority may execute the steps described in Attachment 1, Process for Non-submittal of Requested Data.
If Documents, data or information requested from a Registered Entity in connection with an enforcement process are not received by the Required Date, the Compliance Enforcement Authority may execute the steps described in Attachment 1, Process for Non-submittal of Requested Data.
Security Advisory Closed, Common Vulnerabilities And Exposures Advisory Requested, Data Repository Security Advisory Made Public, Data Repository Security Advisory Withdrawn, Security Advisory Opened, Security Advisory Published, Security Advisory Reopened, Security Advisory Updated.
If Documents, data, information or other reports to determine compliance requested from a Registered Entity are not received by the Required Date, the Compliance Enforcement Authority may execute the steps described in Attachment 1, Process for Non-submittal of Requested Data.
This Contract shall commence on the Effective Date and shall continue until the Requestor has ceased: (a) to use the Requested Data for the Purpose; and (b) to have any of the Requested Data in possession or control.
The Requestor agrees to the following: (a) During the Agreement period, the Relevant Partner reserves the right at any time to undertake an audit in respect of the Requestor’s use and storage of the Requested Data is in compliance with the terms of the Agreement.
The Institution will inform the Data Subject (or where appropriate, the Relevant Person) whether it holds or does not hold the Requested Data.
The Department will provide the Requester the following: Requested Data is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as Attachment 3, which includes the release of de-identified data files listed in the 2021 Request Section as well as the approval to use de-identified data files listed in the 2016 Project Section and released to the Requester under prior arrangements, including CON0000565 Research Agreement it signed with the Department on August 29, 2016.
If there are any additional terms and conditions of use, the Requestor must agree to them in writing in the final NWL De-identified Data Request Form before the Requested Data is shared and such terms shall be incorporated into this Agreement.