Requested Participant definition
Examples of Requested Participant in a sentence
If no request for return of the materials is made, then the Requesting Participant may dispose of the materials using methods prescribed by the Requested Participant, or if no such methods have been prescribed, by other secure methods, as soon as practicable after the materials are no longer required.
The Participants will return any materials that are no longer required if, at the time they are shared, the Requested Participant makes a written request that such materials be returned.
When the cost of providing or obtaining information under this Memorandum is substantial, the Requested Participant may ask the Requesting Participant to pay those costs as a condition of proceeding with the Request.
Unless otherwise decided by the Participants, the Requested Participant is expected to pay all costs of executing the request for information.
The Requesting Participant may request the reasons for which the Requested Participant declined or limited assistance.
If no request for return of the information is made, the Requesting Participant will dispose of the information using methods prescribed by the Requested Participant or if no such methods have been prescribed, by other secure methods, as soon as practicable after the information is no longer required.
When such costs are substantial, the Requested Participant may ask the Requesting Participant to pay those costs as a condition of proceeding with the Request.
Unless otherwise decided by the Participants, the Requested Participant will pay all costs of executing the Request.
The Participants are to use best efforts to return any materials that are no longer required if, at the time they are shared, the Requested Participant makes a written request that such materials be returned.
The Participants are to treat the shared information, the existence of the investigation to which the information relates, and any requests made pursuant to this Memorandum as confidential, and so far as they are able, not further disclose or use this information for purposes other than those for which it was originally shared, without the prior written consent of the Requested Participant.