Examples of Research Information in a sentence
Choose from the following: Research, Information Transfer, Information Management System, Education, or Other (please specify).
Research can be basic or ap- plied.Technology transfer means those ac- tivities that lead to the adoption of a new technique or product by users and involves dissemination, demonstration, training, and other activities that lead to eventual innovation.Transportation Research Information Services (TRIS) means the database pro- duced and maintained by the Transpor- tation Research Board and available online through the National Transpor- tation Library.
ORD Publication Offices of Center for Environmental Research Information: Cincinnati, OH, 1983; EPA-600/4-79-020.
Peterson, D.V.M., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Comparative Medicine Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MDMarky PittsDirectorAnimal Subjects Program Director Animal Research Information University of California–San Diego La Jolla, CAGregory R.
Reports submitted via REEport will be placed in the USDA Current Research Information System (CRIS) database.