Resident record definition

Resident record means any file or record in the name of an individual applicant or recipient that is maintained in the facility where he resides or has resided.
Resident record means documents maintained for each resident receiving care and services, which includes all documentation required by RSA 151, He-P 803 and all documentation compiled relative to the resident as required by other federal and state requirements.
Resident record means a separate file maintained for each resident, which includes all documentation required by RSA 151 and He-P 804, and as required by other federal or state laws.

Examples of Resident record in a sentence

  • As a courtesy, Residents may verify their identity in a number of ways: they may produce picture I.D., they may give their name, address, and some other piece of information on their computerized Resident record that only they would know (OTHER THAN THEIR CODE – DO NOT ASK A Resident FOR HIS OR HER CODE IN PERSON), or the Gate Operations Officer may know them personally.

  • The FTC shares jurisdiction with several other Federal agencies in accomplishing its dual mis- sion of consumer protection and the prevention of unfair methods of competition.

  • Resident record reviewed were selected based on computerized algorithms using MDS data, with protocols keyed to specific Quality Indicator areas -- three in NHC and nine in MA.

  • In addition, each Resident has the right to review their Resident record.

  • However, in the case of a toll road this has the added impact of causing financial challenges for the partnership, with potential negative knock-on effects.

More Definitions of Resident record

Resident record means a secure file, located in the AFCR, that contains the resident’s person- centered plan, service agreement, emergency data sheet, medication record and progress notes.
Resident record means the individual file kept by a facility concerning a child who has been placed at the facility.
Resident record means a separate file maintained for each resident, which includes all documentation required by RSA 151 and He-P 815 and as required by other federal and state law.
Resident record means any electronic or written document concerning a resident admitted to a PRTF that is created or obtained by an employee of the PRTF.
Resident record means all records that document information about the services provided to the resident.‌ Subd. 61. Respiratory therapist. "Respiratory therapist" means a person who is licensed under chapter 147C.
Resident record means the record that contains a copy of a resident's medical examination record, admission record, and personal care and services plan;
Resident record means documents maintained for each resident receiving care and services,