Purchasing The Manager shall purchase, for the account of the Owner, all necessary foodstuffs, supplies, materials, appliances, tools and equipment necessary for the operation of the Facility. The Manager shall arrange contracts on behalf of the Owner for electricity, gas, telephone, cable television and any other utility or service necessary for the operation of the Facility. The Manager shall, on behalf of the Owner, contract for and supervise the making of any necessary repairs, alterations, and improvements to the Facility; provided that in the case of any capital expenditure, alteration or improvement, the cost of which exceeds Ten Thousand ($10,000) Dollars, the Manager shall obtain the prior written approval of the Owner; and provided further, that no such prior written approval shall be required if the expenditure is made under circumstances reasonably requiring emergency action (so long as the Manager attempts to notify the Owner on a concurrent basis). The Manager shall prepare and submit to the Owner any certificates of purchasing expenses incurred for the Facility as may be reasonably requested.
Cooperative Purchasing Pursuant to their own governing laws, and subject to the agreement of the Contractor, governmental entities that are not Customers may make purchases under the terms and conditions contained herein, if agreed to by Contractor. Such purchases are independent of the Contract between the Department and the Contractor, and the Department is not a party to these transactions. Agencies seeking to make purchases under this Contract are required to follow the requirements of Rule 60A-1.045(5), F.A.C.
COOPERATIVE PURCHASING PROGRAM PARTICIPATION Arkansas' Purchasing Law provides that local public procurement units (counties, municipalities, school districts, certain nonprofit corporations, etc.) may participate in state purchasing contracts. The contractor therefore agrees to sell to Cooperative Purchasing Program participants at the option of the program participants. Unless otherwise stated, all standard and special terms and conditions listed within the contract must be equally applied to such participants.
Purchasing Card The State has implemented a purchasing card (P-Card). The Contractor may receive payments via the State’s P-Card. P-Card acceptance for purchases is a mandatory requirement for the Contract but is not the exclusive method of payment. If the State changes its P-Card platform during the term of Contract, the Contractor shall make all necessary changes to accept payment via the State’s new P-Card platform within 30 calendar days of notification of such change.
Payment Processing Citizens may require any other information from Vendor that Citizens deems necessary to verify any compensation request placed under this Agreement and Vendor agrees that it will provide such information as reasonably requested by Citizens. Payment shall be due net thirty (30) calendar days of Citizens’ actual receipt of a complete and undisputed invoice. Where a submitted invoice is incomplete, such as not containing the information described in this Section, Citizens will return the incomplete invoice to Vendor for correction within thirty (30) calendar days of Citizens’ actual receipt of such invoice. Where Citizens reasonably disputes any part of a complete invoice, such as the amount of the compensation request, Citizens shall pay any undisputed portion of the invoiced amount within (30) calendar days of Citizens’ actual receipt of the complete invoice and will describe the basis for the disputed portion of the invoiced amount. Where Vendor disagrees with Citizens dispute of any invoice, the Parties shall seek to resolve the dispute in accordance with the Dispute Resolution Process further described in this Agreement. In no case shall Citizens be subject to late payment interest charges where Vendor has submitted an incomplete invoice or where Citizens has reasonably disputed an invoice. Where Vendor fails to submit an invoice within twelve (12) calendar months of the Services for which compensation is being requested, Vendor acknowledges and agrees that any payment due for such Services is forfeited by Vendor for its failure to timely submit an invoice.
Purchasing Party A Party requesting or receiving a Service from the other Party under this Agreement.
Sub-processing 11.1 The data importer shall not subcontract any of its processing operations performed on behalf of the data exporter under the Clauses without the prior written consent of the data exporter. Where the data importer subcontracts its obligations under the Clauses, with the consent of the data exporter, it shall do so only by way of a written agreement with the sub-processor which imposes the same obligations on the sub- processor as are imposed on the data importer under the Clauses. Where the sub-processor fails to fulfil its data protection obligations under such written agreement the data importer shall remain fully liable to the data exporter for the performance of the sub-processor’s obligations under such agreement. 11.2 The prior written contract between the data importer and the sub-processor shall also provide for a third-party beneficiary clause as laid down in Clause 3 for cases where the data subject is not able to bring the claim for compensation referred to in paragraph 1 of Clause 6 against the data exporter or the data importer because they have factually disappeared or have ceased to exist in law or have become insolvent and no successor entity has assumed the entire legal obligations of the data exporter or data importer by contract or by operation of law. Such third-party liability of the sub-processor shall be limited to its own processing operations under the Clauses. 11.3 The provisions relating to data protection aspects for sub-processing of the contract referred to in paragraph 1 shall be governed by the law of the Member State in which the data exporter is established, namely ........................................ 11.4 The data exporter shall keep a list of sub-processing agreements concluded under the Clauses and notified by the data importer pursuant to Clause 5(j), which shall be updated at least once a year. The list shall be available to the data exporter’s data protection supervisory authority.
PERMITTED PURCHASER A person is only allowed to bid and or purchase the Property subject to the following:- 5.1 A person who has not reached the age of majority as defined under the Age of Majority Act 1971 (Act 21) (which is 18 years of age) as at the date of the Auction Sale or an undischarged bankrupt shall not be permitted to bid in his personal capacity or act as Agent of the Principal at the Auction Sale. 5.2 Notwithstanding whether it is expressly stated in the Proclamation of Sale, in the event that the developer of the Property (`the Developer’) and/or the proprietor of the master title on which the Property is erected (`the Proprietor/Landowner’) or applicable laws or regulations affecting the Property imposes the condition that the Property can only be sold to an individual or certain categories of persons or body corporate e.g. a Malay, a Bumiputra or a Malay Company or Bumiputra Company (`the Purchaser’), then the Property shall only be sold to the Purchaser. 5.3 All intending bidders at the Auction Sale shall be deemed to have made all the relevant enquiries and have received independent legal advice on all restrictions affecting the Property and are further deemed to have been fully satisfied that they fall within the category of the Purchaser. 5.4 If the sale is restricted to individual and not to be sold to company, society, firm or body corporate as specified by the Developer and/or Proprietor and/or State Authorities and/or relevant bodies, the Property shall be sold to the individual person only.
Accelerated Purchases Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, from and after the Commencement Date, in addition to purchases of Purchase Shares as described in Section 2(a) above, the Company shall also have the right, but not the obligation, to direct the Investor, by its delivery to the Investor of an Accelerated Purchase Notice from time to time in accordance with this Agreement, to purchase the applicable Accelerated Purchase Share Amount at the Accelerated Purchase Price on the Accelerated Purchase Date therefor in accordance with this Agreement (each such purchase, an “Accelerated Purchase”). The Company may deliver an Accelerated Purchase Notice to the Investor only (i) on a Regular Purchase Date on which (A) the Company also properly submitted a Regular Purchase Notice for a Regular Purchase of not less than the Regular Purchase Share Limit then in effect and (B) the Closing Sale Price of the Common Stock is not less than the Accelerated Purchase Floor Price, and (ii) if all Purchase Shares subject to all Regular Purchases, Accelerated Purchases and Additional Accelerated Purchases prior to the Regular Purchase Date referred to in clause (i) hereof (as applicable) have theretofore been received by the Investor as DWAC Shares in accordance with this Agreement. Within one (1) Business Day after completion of each Accelerated Purchase Date for an Accelerated Purchase, the Investor will provide to the Company a written confirmation of such Accelerated Purchase setting forth the applicable Accelerated Purchase Share Amount and Accelerated Purchase Price for such Accelerated Purchase (each, an “Accelerated Purchase Confirmation”).
PARTICIPATING ENTITY USE AND PURCHASING A. ORDERS AND PAYMENT. To access the contracted Equipment, Products, or Services under this Contract, a Participating Entity must clearly indicate to Supplier that it intends to access this Contract; however, order flow and procedure will be developed jointly between Sourcewell and Supplier. Typically, a Participating Entity will issue an order directly to Supplier or its authorized subsidiary, distributor, dealer, or reseller. If a Participating Entity issues a purchase order, it may use its own forms, but the purchase order should clearly note the applicable Sourcewell contract number. All Participating Entity orders under this Contract must be issued prior to expiration or cancellation of this Contract; however, Supplier performance, Participating Entity payment obligations, and any applicable warranty periods or other Supplier or Participating Entity obligations may extend beyond the term of this Contract. Supplier’s acceptable forms of payment are included in its attached Proposal. Participating Entities will be solely responsible for payment and Sourcewell will have no liability for any unpaid invoice of any Participating Entity. B. ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS/PARTICIPATING ADDENDUM. Additional terms and conditions to a purchase order, or other required transaction documentation, may be negotiated between a Participating Entity and Supplier, such as job or industry-specific requirements, legal requirements (e.g., affirmative action or immigration status requirements), or specific local policy requirements. Some Participating Entities may require the use of a Participating Addendum, the terms of which will be negotiated directly between the Participating Entity and the Supplier or its authorized dealers, distributors, or resellers, as applicable. Any negotiated additional terms and conditions must never be less favorable to the Participating Entity than what is contained in this Contract.