Rules Change Committee definition
Examples of Rules Change Committee in a sentence
It is beefed up with the following groups and committees: 1) Rules Change Committee (RCC) is tasked to keep pace with the evolving electricity market through the timely and appropriate creation or revision of the governing rules of the WESM.
The Task Force will be invited to join the Rules Change Committee.
The MSC will conduct consultations with the Rules Change Committee and the PEM Board in its formulation of the penalty levels and appropriate range of penalties.
Amendments to this Manual shall be submitted to the WESM Rules Change Committee and shall be acted upon pursuant to Chapter 8 of the WESM Rules and relevant market manuals.
On October 08 & 14, 2008, the WESM Rules Change Committee (RCC) approved the proposed rules changes submitted by the SWWRC and finally approved by the PEM Board on January 13, 2009.
From time to time and as may be necessary, the Market Surveillance Committee shall submit to the Department of Energy its proposed amendments thereto, in consultation with the WESM Members, Rules Change Committee and the PEM Board.
The triple interaction term confirms that the role of innovation intensity is also strengthened in the treated group, which can be seen in Figure 6 by plotting the estimates in column (8).