Examples of Rural Areas Act in a sentence
Nabas Diamonds has all necessary statutory consents to prospect in that area of the Richtersveld National Park covered by the prospecting permit therefor and it has obtained a Section 51(3) permission in terms of the Rural Areas Act 9 of 1987 to prospect in the area covered by the Grasdrif prospecting permit.
Developments in progress which have already received approval in terms of the Less Formal Township Establishment Act, 1991 and Rural Areas Act, 1987 may be finalised in terms of the repealed legislation.
The new basic plans were formulated in accordance with both the Food, Agriculture and Rural Areas Act in March 2005 and the Basic Law for a Gender-equal Society in December 2005.
The rights of the non-titled are however addressed under the 1986 Punjab Jinnah Abadis for Non-proprietors in Rural Areas Act which recognize to squatters the right to receive rehabilitation in form of a replacement plot.
The Extension of Security of Tenure Act 62 of 1997, the Prevention of Illegal Eviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act 9 of 1998, the Transformation of Certain Rural Areas Act 94 of 1998 and the Provision of Certain Land for Settlement Amendment Act 26 of 1998.
The Transformation of Certain Rural Areas Act stipulates an eighteen-month transition period during which people shall decide on which ownership and management option they prefer.
SPP submitted recommendations to the DRDLR for the tenure reform process in terms of the Transformation of Certain Rural Areas Act 94 of 1998 (TRANCRAA) to state that the state should provide support for the administration of the land rights of communities.
Residents given “reasonable preference” to acquire land in “The remainder”The act does not address security of residence 4.2 ProcessAlthough the Transformation of Certain Rural Areas Act 94 of 1998 affects only some tens of thousands out of the millions of South African’s who live with uncertain land rights, it is significant as the first attempt of the post-apartheid government to implement land tenure reform for a whole category of communal lands.
Sections 9 and 10 of the Rural Areas Act (House of Representatives), 1987, are hereby repealed.
Reference 1: A to Z of the Transformation of Certain Rural Areas Act (DRDLD 2010).