Examples of Safe parking in a sentence
October 3 Work Session, McKeel has KMHD discussion, Recommendation of Board Evaluations, Legislative Strategy and priority for Board issues mentioned during the retreat slated for the agenda.Zordich added a PS: The Salmon Safe parking lot project has been finalized today, before the beginning of FA18 term.
Safe parking is the process used to identify and designate parking locations and to identify criteria for selecting parking areas if a predesignated location cannot be reached.
SOC was measured in May 2001, November 2010, and November 2014 for different depths (0-0.15, 0.15-0.30, 0.30-0.60, 0.60-0.90, 0.90-1.20 and 1.20-1.50 m).
Safe parking criteria (see Section 7.10, Safe Parking, and Appendix 4) will be met as appropriate.
Safe parking provides homeless individuals and families with vehicles a safe place to temporarily park overnight in order to facilitate the transition to permanent housing.
Safe parking places can contribute to free flow of people and goods, in agreement with fundamental rules of European integration.
These simplification benchmarks can be easily reversed for the complexification task.
Safe parking shelters shall only operate between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. All vehicles shall be required to leave the premises outside of the hours of operation.
Safe parking programs draw funding from a number of different sources including county and city program funds, private and faith-based organization funding, and HUD Homeless Prevention funds.
Safe parking areas will be selected prior to the initiation of the shipment in consultation with the States and Tribes through which the shipments pass.