Examples of Schedule of Leases in a sentence
The following schedule must be clearly labeled “Line 27c — Schedule of Leases in Default or Classified as Uncollectible.”A lease is an agreement conveying the right to use property, plant, or equipment for a stated period.
The Combining Schedules of Receipts, Disbursements, Other Financing Sources (Uses), and Cash and Investment Balances - Regulatory Basis, Schedule of Payables and Receivables, Schedule of Leases and Debt, and Schedule of Capital Assets, as listed in the Table of Contents, are presented for additional analysis and are not required parts of the financial statement.
The Combining Schedules of Receipts, Disbursements, Other Financing Sources (Uses), and Cash and Investment Balances - Regulatory Basis, Schedule of Leases and Debt, and Schedule of Capital Assets, as listed in the Table of Contents, are presented for additional analysis and are not required parts of the financial statement.
The Combining Schedules of Receipts, Disbursements, and Cash and Investment Balances - Regulatory Basis, Schedule of Payables and Receivables, Schedule of Leases and Debt, and Schedule of Capital Assets, as listed in the Table of Contents, are presented for additional analysis and are not required parts of the financial statement.
To Seller's knowledge, all rent under the leases listed on the Schedule of Leases is being paid currently.