School Agreement means the agreement entered into on or around the date hereof between the LA and the Academy Trust relating to the provision of facilities and services to the Academy Trust.
School Agreement means the school agreement entered into by the Local Authority and the Company relating to the provision of facilities and services to the Academy and dated on or around the date of this Agreement;
School Agreement means any agreement between the LA, the Secretary of State and the Trust in relation to the Building Schools for the Future Programme relating to a PFI Academy.
Examples of School Agreement in a sentence
Table of Contents / Glossary / Index Definitions Academic Program means Academic Purchasing Account on MPSA, Academic Select License, Select Plus for Academic, Campus and School Agreement, or Open Value Subscription – Education Solutions.
EES = Enrollment for Education Solutions: Includes Enrollment for Education Solutions and the School Enrollment under the Campus and School Agreement (CASA).
More Definitions of School Agreement
School Agreement means the Governing Body Agreement entered into by the Governing Body of Tapton School and Sheffield City Council on 9 May 2000 in relation to a Project Agreement, as novated and varied by the Deed of Novation and Variation entered into by the Company and Sheffield City Council on or around the date hereof relating to the provision of facilities and services to the PFI Academy;
School Agreement means the school agreement entered into by the Academy Trust and the LA on or around the date hereof relating to the provision of facilities to the Academy;
School Agreement means the school agreement entered into by the LA and the Company relating to the provision of facilities and services to the Alternative Provision Academy and dated on or around the date of this Agreement;
School Agreement. Students must be given the opportunity to succeed. Therefore, I will do the following: • Provide a safe and caring environment for learning. • Provide research-based instruction that focuses on student learning. • Communicate and work together as a team to support your child. • Encourage, motivate and monitor your child’s learning. Parent’s Signature Date Student’s Signature Date Teacher’s Signature Date
School Agreement. We believe that each child can be successful. We will share the responsibility to ensure student success in the following ways: We will provide a well-planned, challenging curriculum, based on state and county voluntary curriculum and quarterly assessment data, so that every child can and will learn. We will enforce school and classroom rules fairly. We will schedule parent conferences at least once a year and upon parental immediate requests. We will provide quarterly reports to families on their child’s progress. We will provide written information in the school handbook and on the school’s website for contacting school personnel and individual teachers. We will value diversity in our classrooms. We will demonstrate professional behavior and be positive role models. We will encourage parents to participate in school events, join the PTO, volunteer, and be parent of school committees. We will use Thursday folders and quarterly interim reports to communicate about student progress. Teachers will also use Synergy as a way to communicate with parents. We will create a welcoming, positive, safe learning environment. Teacher signature Date
School Agreement means a school agreement entered into by the Academy Trust and an LA relating to the provision of facilities and services to a PFI Academy;
School Agreement means an agreement designated as such relating to a PFI Academy and entered into between the LA (1), the Company (2) and the Secretary of State (3);