School Use definition

School Use means the use of school facilities for authorized educational purposes under the direct control and management of the school division including extracurricular activities as defined in Policy 4070, Extracurricular Activities. Other entities may participate in school use activities as approved at the sole discretion of the school division. However, other entities may not, for the purpose of circumventing this regulation, use the approval of participation in a school use activity for the purpose of conducting an activity not under the direct control and management of the school division.
School Use. Only: Negotiated Instalments Approved: Position: I wish to make payment by: Centrepay Deduction* EFT EFTPOS Credit/Debit Card Cheque Cash * * Payment by Centrepay deduction can be arranged through the school administration. **Payment by EFT can be made to the school bank account BSB: - Account Number: . To ensure correct identification of the payment, please ensure that the EFT payment reference clearly includes the STUDENT NUMBER, along with the characters SRS, e.g. 001461SRS. Uncontrolled copy. Refer to Student Resource Scheme in Policy and Procedure Register at xxxx:// Resource-Scheme.aspx
School Use means District-sanctioned school activities.

Examples of School Use in a sentence

  • Student Use of Personal Technology Devices at School Use of all personal electronic devices used on school property is subject to all guidelines of Responsible Use Policy and the Student Code of Conduct.

  • Option #3- School Use Only I understand an electronic device will be made available for my student during the school day.

  • Parent/Guardian Release --- For School Use) From time to time schools are asked by the media to interview and/or photograph students as part of coverage of positive school events.

  • District Issued Devices for School Use: Student use of any District-provided technology or devices is a privilege that is earned by abiding by the rules described in the Responsible Use Policy (see below) and the rules in the MCSD Student Behavior Code of Conduct.

  • A School Use Activity Fund will be kept for deposit of all rental fees, personnel fee payments, overhead, and fringe benefit payments.

More Definitions of School Use

School Use. ’ shall mean those periods when the school sport & leisure facilities & ancillary areas are for the exclusive use of the school.
School Use means the use of the athletic field facilities for District sanctioned school activities.
School Use means use of the Sports Facilities by the School.
School Use means the bookings by the school within the Town of Bashaw boundaries. 4.18 “Special Event” means a public or private event that is not directly associated withregular season schedules and bookings (i.e. Charity Hockey Games) 4.19 ‘Town” means the Town of Bashaw, and the Department(s) designated by the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to implement this policy. 4.20 “Town Programs, Special Events” means any program or special event operated,co-sponsored or sanctioned by Community Services Groups. 4.21 “Youth Sport Organization” means a sporting organization that is setup as a society, which includes minor sport activities and school programs organized primarily for youth residing in the Town of Bashaw. User groups must have 80% of membership composed of individuals younger than eighteen (18) years of ageto qualify as a youth group. 4.22 “Use Agreement” means the Agreement signed by the Town and the User governing the use of the Arena or Recreational facilities.
School Use means the use of the Joint Use Facilities by the School and Partner Schools
School Use means any booking of a TOWN-OWNED FACILITY made by BOARD employees for activities that occur during such times as the TOWN-OWNED FACILITIES are available.
School Use filed on: Retention: 2 years Form: RM_OSW 7.2014 Florida High School Athletic Association Revised 03/16 Preparticipation Physical Evaluation (Page 1 of 3) This completed form must be kept on file by the school. This form is valid for 365 calendar days from the date of the evaluation as written on page