Selected Banks definition
Examples of Selected Banks in a sentence
Number of Projects carried out , funding agency , Grant received Completed Research Project “Management of customers services by District Central Co-operative Bank: With special reference to Selected Banks in Maharashtra” sponsored by BCUD, University of Pune.2. Publications (if any) out of research in last three years out of masters projects - Not Applicable3.
Managing Credit Risk to Optimize Banks’ Profitability: A Survey of Selected Banks in Lagos State, Nigeria.
Effects of Mobile Banking on the Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Kapsabet (Kenya): A Case of Selected Banks in Kapsabet Town.
Credit Risk and Profitability of Selected Banks in Ghana, Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 3 (7), pp.
Managing Credit Risk to Optimize Banks‘ Profitability: A Survey of Selected Banks in Lagos State, Nigeria.
In a study conducted on Evaluation of Recruitment Methods in Selected Banks in Tamale Metropolis, Sule (2012) noted that walk-in is one of the popular recruiting strategies used in banks and indeed banks receive several unsolicited applications from job seekers at various points of time.
All these tasks have strong synergies with the qualities that are required to handle a mediation case.The legal framework that supports the mediation is a national agreement6 between private banking professional organizations7, the Bank of France and the French government that is renewed every other year8.
Developing Islamic Banking Performance Measures Based on Maqasid al-Shari’ah Framework: Cases of 24 Selected Banks.
Table 4.1Debt Ratio of Selected Banks YearBank 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 Mean S.D CV(%)EBL0.62240.89340.69081.09230.96900.85360.194822.82HBL0.53890.54900.73090.76600.77330.67160.117717.52SBIL0.98210.69040.65310.72680.77830.76610.129316.87NIBL0.67860.74590.76190.78260.82010.75780.05236.90Source: Annual reports and website of concerned banks.
Capital adequacy Standards, Basel Accord and Bank Performance: The Nigerian Experience: A Case Study of Selected Banks in Nigeria.