Site Agreements definition
Examples of Site Agreements in a sentence
This includes any agreements with signatory employers not normally considered construction agreements such as Trade Show Agreements, Test Site Agreements, etc., and to National Agreements that adopt local referral practices.
The parties understand and agree that this MSA and the Site Agreements shall not be recorded of record.
Facing the threat of closure back in 1982, the parties negotiated the first of a series of Site Agreements designed to move the organisation towards International Competitiveness.
Properties with approved by-laws (Initial Study Grant, Tax Assistance and/or TIRGP Grant), and/or registered Brownfield Site Agreements, which were approved under the 2005 Brownfields CIP, as amended, will continue to receive the financial incentives in accordance with the terms and conditions of those existing by-laws and/or agreements.
For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 1801 of this title and Tables.The Atlantic Tunas Convention Act of 1975, referredto in subsec.