Hire Goods means any Goods which are hired to the Customer;
Equipment/Materials/Goods means and include all equipment, machinery, stores, goods which are required under the Contract for satisfactory performance of Services by the Service Provider.
Finished Goods means units of a manufactured product awaiting sale.
White Goods means refrigerators, stoves and ranges, water heaters, clothes washers and dryers, freezers, swing sets, bicycles (without tires) scrap metal, copper, and other similar domestic and commercial large appliances.
Counterfeit Goods means Goods that are or contain unlawful or unauthorized reproductions, substitutions, or alterations that have been knowingly mismarked, misidentified, or otherwise misrepresented to be an authentic, unmodified part from the original manufacturer, or a source with the express written authority of the original manufacturer or current design activity, including an authorized aftermarket manufacturer. Unlawful or unauthorized substitution includes used Goods represented as new, or the false identification of grade, serial number, lot number, date code, or performance characteristics.
Customer Equipment means hardware, software, systems, cabling and facilities provided by you and used in conjunction with the Equipment that we supply to you in order to receive the Services;
OEM means Original Equipment Manufacturer.
Printed Materials means all artwork and mechanicals set forth on the disc label of the PlayStation Disc relating to any of the Licensed Products and on or inside any Packaging for the Licensed Product, and all instructional manuals, liners, inserts, trade dress and other user information to be inserted into the Packaging.
Supplier Equipment means the Supplier's hardware, computer and telecoms devices, equipment, plant, materials and such other items supplied and used by the Supplier (but not hired, leased or loaned from the Customer) in the performance of its obligations under this Call Off Contract;
RFI means a Request for Information.
Non-Microsoft Product means any third-party-branded software, data, service, website or product, unless incorporated by Microsoft in a Product.
counterfeit trademark goods means any goods, including packaging, bearing without authorization a trademark which is identical to the trademark validly registered in respect of such goods, or which cannot be distinguished in its essential aspects from such a trademark, and which thereby infringes the rights of the owner of the trademark in question under the law of the country of importation;
Spectrum Compatibility means the capability of two (2) copper loop transmission system technologies to coexist in the same cable without service degradation and to operate satisfactorily in the presence of cross talk noise from each other. Spectrum compatibility is defined on a per twisted pair basis for specific well-defined transmission systems. For the purposes of issues regarding Spectrum Compatibility, service degradation means the failure to meet the Bit Error Ratio (BER) and Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) margin requirements defined for the specific transmission system for all Loop lengths, model Loops, or loss values within the requirements for the specific transmission system.
Software Products and “Software” are interchangeable and mean software, computer source codes and other computer programs.
Nonconforming Goods means only the following: (i) product shipped is different than identified in Buyer's purchase order; or (ii) product's label or packaging incorrectly identifies its contents.
Your Equipment means all wiring and other equipment located at the premises which are used to take supply of or consume electricity except any electricity supply equipment.
Catalog means the available list of tangible personal property or services, in the most current listing, regardless of date, during the life of the contract, that takes the form of a catalog, price list, schedule, shelf price or other form that:
Contract for Goods means any contract, purchase order or agreement for the purchase of goods awarded by the city and whose cost is to be paid from funds belonging to or administered by the city; provided that a “contract” does not include: (i) a delegate agency contract; (ii) a lease of real property;
Customer Software means software which is owned by or licensed to the Customer, including Specially Written Software and Assigned Software and software which is or will be used by the Supplier for the purposes of providing the Services but excluding the Supplier Software;
Household goods means personal effects and property used or to be used in a dwelling when a part of the equipment or supply of that dwelling. Household goods do not include property moving from a factory or store, unless the property was purchased by the householder with intent to use the property in his or her dwelling, the property is transported at the request of the householder, and the householder pays the carrier's transportation charges either directly or indirectly.
Brand Name Specification means a specification limited to one or more items by manufacturers’ names or catalogue number.
Marketing Materials has the meaning ascribed thereto in NI 41-101;
Supplier Software means software which is proprietary to the Supplier or its Affiliates which is used or supplied by the Supplier in the provision of the Services; Supplier Staff means all persons employed or engaged by the Supplier together with the Supplier's servants, agents, suppliers, consultants and Sub-Contractors (and all persons employed by any Sub-Contractor together with the Sub-Contractor’s servants, consultants, agents, suppliers and Sub-Contractors) used in the performance of its obligations under this Contract; Time and Materials means the pricing mechanism for the Services as may be agreed by the Parties and set out at paragraph Error: Reference source not found in the SOW; TUPE means the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 (SI 2006/246) as amended or replaced or any other regulations or UK legislation implementing the Acquired Rights Directive; Velocity means the Metric which measures the total number of Story Points for Stories that have been accepted in a Sprint, indicating the rate of progress towards Acceptance of all Stories from the Product Backlog;
Supply of goods means the transfer of the right to dispose of tangible property as owner.
Translucent means a substance that allows light to pass through, but does not allow an object or person to be seen through the substance.
Microsoft means Microsoft Corporation.