Software Agent definition
Examples of Software Agent in a sentence
Whitestein Series in Software Agent Technologies and Autonomic Computing.
Software Agent technology has drawn much attention as the preferred architectural framework for the design of many distributed software systems.
In connection with a Software Order for Software Service, PickNik will make available to Customer a Software Agent.
Based on the negotiation protocol implemented on the e-marketplace, a Software Agent Factory generates the components of the system that automates the exchange mechanism between the participant and the e-marketplace.
If there is little prospect of the Joint Venture continuing to explore or develop a property, the deferred costs related to that property are written down to the estimated fair value.
All right title and interest in any Software Agent created that is not derivative of OneSoft intellectual property and for which development is paid for in full by USWeb/CKS pursuant to such funding shall be vested in USWeb/CKS.
H.S., Lee, L.C. and Jennings, N.R.: Coordination in Software Agent Systems, BT Tech.
Intelligent Software Agent ModelPERCEPOLIS recognizes three sets of entities as comprising the educational environment: i) the set of instructors/advisors, I; ii) the set of learners, L; and iii) theset of courses, C.
In order to protect WUNA’s trade secrets in the MT Software Agent shall install MT Software updates within ninety (90) days of distribution by WUNA.
The Service functionalities are as follows:− The collection of technical data (“Technical Data”) on information technology hardware through the use of check points controlled from the Box or a Software Agent installed on said hardware.