SOX 404 definition
Examples of SOX 404 in a sentence
Said service call cleaning shall consist of wiping the lens, refractor, opal glass with a clean, soft cloth so as to remove all dirt, dust, and foreign matter.
For example, for the median U.S. firm with a public float of $102m, it faces annual enhanced disclosure costs of $0.045m, SOX 404 compliance costs of $0.126m, and combined costs of disclosure and internal governance captured by EGC benefits of $0.293m.
The indifference condition of this marginal firm implies that the annual regulatory costs associated with SOX 404 compliance and accelerated filing are$0.122 million per year.
The cost of SOX 404 compliance and the cost losing EGC benefits are 22% and 10% smaller than the estimates on the full sample, respectively.
For the marginal firm bunching for the $75m threshold, annual SOX 404 compliance and accelerated filing cost 0.1% of its total assets, 1.3% of EBITDA, and 6.3% of net income.
Panel A reports the results for surveyed SOX 404 compliance costs.
This thresh- old relates to the regulatory costs of SOX 404 and accelerated filing deadlines.
We focus on the bunching period of 2003 to 2007 to identify the combined value of SOX 404 internal control exemption plus delayed filing of 10-Ks and 10-Qs. Our non-bunching period is 1994 to 2002.Last, we analyze firms’ bunching around the $700m threshold for Emerging Growth Company status.
Res., (2009) 729; Michael Ettredge, James Heintz, Chan Li, and Susan Scholz, Auditor Realignments Accompanying Implementation of SOX 404 ICFR Reporting Requirements, 25 Acct Horizon (2011) 17; and Jacob Z.
In this regard, Cendant will review the Bank’s entity-level control environment from a SOX 404 perspective and present its findings to management and the Bank’s audit committee.