Examples of Space utilization in a sentence
Space utilization studies should be made to determine actual needs before the addition of new facilities.
Space utilization improvements relate to deficiencies that include lack of space and disproportionate space to support the academic environment.
Two performance metrics will be used to evaluate your solution: – Space utilization: The ratio between the peak aggregate amount of memory used by the driver (i.e., allocated via mm malloc or mm realloc but not yet freed via mm free) and the size of the heap used by your allocator.
In order for the Innovation Space GFA to be exempt from the Aggregate GFA limitations, at least twenty five percent (25%) of the Innovation Space utilization (measured by square footage or shared space membership) must be set aside as below market rate space to be offered by the CRA or the City to qualifying tenants for short-term leases consistent with Section 14.32.5(b).
In order for the Innovation Space GFA to be exempt from the Aggregate GFA limitations, at least twenty five percent (25%) of the Innovation Space utilization (measured by square footage or shared space membership) must be set aside as below market rate space to be offered by the CRA or the City to qualifying tenants for short- term leases consistent with Section 14.32.5(b).