School Closing Sample Clauses
School Closing. In the event that school is closed for any reason and the School District does not require employees to perform services, employees shall be compensated as follows:
Subd. 1. In the event school is closed for a full day, the School Board will have the authority to determine if, how, and when such time will be made up. If make-up time is required by the School Board but is not completed by the employee, the employee’s compensation shall be reduced by the number of hours the employee was paid for the closed day. If the School Board does not require make-up time, there shall be no reduction in pay for the day that school was closed.
School Closing. A. Whenever school is closed due to an epidemic or other public calamity, non-teaching school employees other than those listed in C. below shall receive their regular rate of pay and will not report to work. (No extra compensation shall be given to anyone who reports to work during the above stated periods unless specifically requested to report to work by his/her supervisor.) During calamity days (Level 3 Emergency situations), emergency employees affected are to arrive to work as safely and timely as they are able. The Superintendent will issue a policy regarding emergency situations and appropriate response and action. Whenever school is closed due to weather more than five (5) days in the school year, all twelve month employees will be required to report after the fifth such day, at the discretion of the Superintendent and shall receive no extra compensation for reporting on such days. All employees who do not work on a calamity day, after the first five (5), shall be required to work on make-up days without additional compensation.
B. A supervisor may call an employee in to work on a calamity day.
C. Classified school employees in the utility, custodial, maintenance, and bus mechanic classifications shall be required to report to work during the above stated periods.
D. When fewer than all schools are closed because of inclement weather, mechanical difficulties or other such reasons, employees in the bargaining unit shall be required to report to work unless otherwise notified by the Superintendent, and shall be assigned to where needed by the Superintendent or other administrators.
E. When there is delayed starting time and an employee is not able to arrive on time, an employee may make arrangements with his or her supervisor to make up the time missed, except for cooks and those employees listed in Section 9(C) of this Agreement. Secretaries may come in an hour later than normal start time with the approval of the building Principal.
F. If a pre-approved sick leave day, bereavement leave or personal business leave day occurs on a calamity day, the employee will not be charged for that day of leave.
G. When schools are closed early, employees in the bargaining unit shall leave early only on specific authorization of the Superintendent or his/her designee.
H. When school is closed for weather emergencies, employees not scheduled to work because of scheduled vacation shall be charged for the leave. The status of employees on leave without pay is not c...
School Closing. A school is closed when the existing educational program is removed from the facility or when otherwise determined by the District.
School Closing. Section 1: If a school or other work location is officially closed by IPS’ Superintendent because of an emergency, all teachers shall receive full pay for each day on which school is closed.
Section 2: Teachers are paid for Emergency School Closings (Article X, Section 1); therefore, any scheduled make-up days are without pay. Teachers shall be allowed to use leave time (such as personal, bereavement, or illness) on any scheduled make-up days subject to the same conditions as on any other school day.
Section 3: If schools or work locations are closed and teachers are not required to report, due to inclement weather or other emergency, on a day on which a teacher had prearranged to take a paid leave, the teacher shall not be charged for such leave. If schools are open on such a prearranged leave, but schools are then closed due to inclement weather or other emergency so that students are dismissed early that day, the teacher will be charged only for the hours missed.
School Closing. Unit members transferred as a result of a school closing shall be given priority consideration for available vacancies at other sites for which they are properly credentialed and qualified, except that such unit members shall have no priority consideration for positions at the school in the event it is reopened.
School Closing. In the event of an emergency closing due to weather conditions or other types of emergencies, the employee shall perform duties on that day or other such day in lieu thereof, if any, as the District or its designated representative shall determine.
School Closing. On days when Xxxx School District schools are closed for students for weather, safety or other reasons, Special Education and ELD para-educators shall not report to work and will not be charged for the absence. Whenever the District reschedules schools closed for the aforestated reasons, Special Education and ELD para-educators will work without additional compensation. On days when students are dismissed early due to emergency situations, para-educators shall be excused as soon as all students and/or buses have left the building. When the District or a school building within the District is closed due to weather or an emergency, the District will announce the information through the local media. Employees who report for work when the District is closed due to weather conditions or an emergency shall not be eligible to receive minimum reporting pay.
School Closing. Section 1:
School Closing. In the event that school is closed for any reason and the employees are not required to perform services, the employees’ compensation shall be reduced accordingly, unless, with the approval of their immediate supervisor and the Superintendent, they arrange to make up the lost hours or opt to use vacation time.
School Closing. In the event school is closed for students due to inclement weather or other emergency causes, teachers shall not be required to report for duty, and the day of instruction shall be rescheduled as provided herein. Teachers shall not receive additional compensation, including but not limited to additional salary or paid leave days, for rescheduled days of instruction.
1. Any days that schools are closed for students due to inclement weather or other emergency causes, which are not required to be rescheduled by statute or appropriate governmental agency and which do not result in a loss of state aid funding to the school district, shall not be made up or rescheduled. If, due to a statutory change or modification, the school district can count days school is closed for students due to inclement weather or other emergency causes as days of pupil instruction for state aid purposes, and/or if the district is not required to make up days of student instruction without a loss of state funding, teachers shall not be required to make up days school is closed for students as a result of inclement weather or other emergency causes and shall not lose pay or paid leave. After 30 hours of cancelled school due to inclement weather or other emergency causes, the OEA and superintendent or designee will determine whether to make-up the time through additional student days/hours or professional development days/hours, as permitted by law.
2. If teachers are absent as the result of illness or approved personal business on a day school is closed as a result of inclement weather or other emergency causes, sick leave days will not be deducted if the cancelled day is to be rescheduled later in the school year. If such absences occur on a cancelled day which is not to be rescheduled, sick leave days will be deducted only if the absence is a continuation of a series of one or more absences for which such deductions would normally be made.
3. If cancelled days of instruction are required to be rescheduled, any recess periods in the calendar excepting legal holidays may be modified upon mutual agreement between the Board and the Association. Either party may request such modifications, but mutual agreement must be reached no later than thirty five (35) calendar days prior to any scheduled recess involved. Absent such agreements between the Board and the Association, all cancelled days of instruction which must be rescheduled shall be placed at the end of the school year and appropriat...