Special Charge definition
Examples of Special Charge in a sentence
The technical explanation of a Special Charge comes from legislation (under the Local Government Act 1989) that allows councils to recover the cost of works from property owners who will gain special benefit from that work.
Properties where a third-party mortgage lender pays the property taxes are required to create an arrangement between the Property Owner and the mortgage lender that either the mortgage lender or the Property Owner will provide the City with one single periodic payment through either the City's Pre-authorized Property Tax Payment Plan or the third-party mortgage payment plan, respectively, for both the repayment of the LIC Special Charge and the payment of applicable property taxes.
The public notice further advised that any person who will be required to pay the Special Charge (whether an owner or an occupier of a property included in the Scheme) has a right to object to the proposed declaration and may also make a written objection to the Council under section 163B of the Act.
The proposed Local Improvement Roll shall set out the proposed Special Charge (Actual) to be levied on the Property in respect of the undertaking of the Work on the Property under this POA and under the Program.
Once added to the tax roll the Special Charge (Actual) has the same priority to all other liens as property taxes, and will become an obligation of all subsequent owners of the Property.