Staff Rules definition
Examples of Staff Rules in a sentence
Individual Specialist is neither a staff member under the UNESCO Staff Regulations and Staff Rules nor an official under the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies (21 November 1947).
The hearing committees have no authority to adopt or modify rules and standards or to decide questions about the merits or substantive validity of the Bylaws, Medical Staff Rules and Regulations, or Medical Staff Policies.
To the extent the provisions set forth in this Section conflict with the Medical Staff Rules and Regulations on medical record completion, this Section shall govern.
Medical Staff Members shall at all times comply with the prevailing Medical Staff Rules and Regulations on medical record completion, which shall set forth the review and notification process regarding patient chart deficiency and delinquency.
A Medical Staff Member who remains suspended by the terms of this Section and/or the applicable Medical Staff Rules and Regulations on medical record completion for more than sixty (60) Days shall be deemed to have voluntarily withdrawn his or her Medical Staff Membership and/or Clinical Privileges, without right of appeal or Fair Hearing.