Examples of Standard Bodies in a sentence
The CEN and CENELEC Members are the National Standard Bodies and the National Electrotechnical Committees in the EU, EFTA and official candidate countries to the EU.
OEM should have members participating in International Standard Bodies like ISO/IEC/EIA/TIA etc.
The motivation of the working group was to identify issues for standardization, to provide a framework and rules for adopting standards, to discuss the role of INCF vis-à-vis other Standard Bodies and the question whether INCF should be a certifying body for standards.
Furthermore, besides these wide-range initiatives, it is also interesting to consider the role and the contribution of Professionals Organisations, which sometimes constitute formal opposition to the criteria of the Accounting Standard Bodies.
The parties have also argued that a longer decree is necessary because this is a develop and implement decree and not an implement-only decree.
These specifications provide a framework that is extensible and flexible and maximizes existing investments in security infrastructure.The Standard Bodies Several organizations are working on Web services security standards, including the W3C5 and OASIS.6 W3C: W3C was created in October 1994 to develop common Web protocols that promote its evolution and interoperability.
The EPB standards, which were recently approved by National Standard Bodies, make it possible to calculate the energy performance of buildings across the EU using the same methodologies.
The representative described the National Standard Bodies (NSBs) of ISO and National Committees (NCs) of IEC as the key bodies for collecting national views on international standards.
The steps/ activities towards this regional standard are presented in the flowchart below: Technical Harmonisation Committee (THC) •Meeting to register lead in paint in their programme: review draft law (e.g. based on Model Law Public enquiry•60 days consultation period in each member state•THC meeting to review submissions and the draft of the regional lead in paint standard National Standard Bodies •Draft standard document voted on by national bodies.
Hall (1994:4) defined the unit standards as being “A set of ‘elements’ (outcome objectives) which students/trainees are expected to achieve in relation to specified performance criteria.” Unit standards were to bedeveloped by National Standard Bodies or Tertiary Training Organisations and were required to be registered.