Proprietary or Confidential Information definition

Proprietary or Confidential Information means all non-public information relating to the Company or any of its Affiliates (including but not limited to all marketing, alliance, social media, advertising, and sales plans and strategies; pricing information; financial, advertising, and product development plans and strategies; compensation and incentive programs for employees; alliance agreements, plans, and processes; plans, strategies, and agreements related to the sale of assets; third party provider agreements, relationships, and strategies; business methods and processes used by the Company and its employees; all personally identifiable information regarding Company employees, contractors, and applicants; lists of actual or potential Business Partners; and all other business plans, trade secrets, or financial information of strategic importance to the Company or its Affiliates) that is not generally known in the Company’s industry, that was learned, discovered, developed, conceived, originated, or prepared during Executive’s employment with the Company, and the competitive use or disclosure of which would be harmful to the business prospects, financial status, or reputation of the Company or its Affiliates at the time of any disclosure by Executive. The relationship between Executive and the Company and its Affiliates is and shall continue to be one in which the Company and its Affiliates repose special trust and confidence in Executive, and one in which Executive has and shall have a fiduciary relationship to the Company and its Affiliates. As a result, the Company and its Affiliates shall, in the course of Executive’s duties to the Company, entrust Executive with, and disclose to Executive, Proprietary or Confidential Information. Executive recognizes that Proprietary or Confidential Information has been developed or acquired, or will be developed or acquired, by the Company and its Affiliates at great expense, is proprietary to the Company and its Affiliates, and is and shall remain the property of the Company and its Affiliates. Executive acknowledges the confidentiality of Proprietary or Confidential Information and further acknowledges that Executive could not competently perform Executive’s duties and responsibilities in Executive’s position with the Company and/or its Affiliates without access to such information. Executive acknowledges that any use of Proprietary or Confidential Information by persons not in the employ of the Company and its Affiliates would provide such persons with...
Proprietary or Confidential Information will mean data or information regarding: (i) either party’s business operations which is not generally known to the public; (ii) either party’s proprietary software or electronic media, including, but not limited to, concepts, designs, documentation, reports, data, specifications, source code, object code, flow charts, file record layouts, content formatting, databases, inventions, know-how, and other trade secrets, whether or not patentable or copyrightable; and (iii) the terms of this Agreement.
Proprietary or Confidential Information as used herein means any information of LMC or of others which has come into the LMC’s or CONTRACTOR’S possession, custody or knowledge in the course of performing services under this Agreement that has independent economic value as a result of its not being generally known to the public and is the subject of reasonable means to preserve the confidentiality of the information. Proprietary or Confidential Information includes (without limitation) information, whether written or otherwise, regarding LMC’s earnings, expenses, marketing information, cost estimates, forecasts, bid and proposal data, financial data, trade secrets, products, procedures, inventions, systems or designs, manufacturing or research processes, material sources, equipment sources, customers and prospective customers, business plans, strategies, buying practices and procedures, prospective and executed contracts and other business arrangements or business prospects, except to the extent such information become readily available to the general public lawfully and without breach of a confidential, contractual, or fiduciary duty. CONTRACTOR acknowledges and agrees that he has a continuing obligation to not use or disclose Proprietary or Confidential Information.

Examples of Proprietary or Confidential Information in a sentence

  • Proprietary or confidential information may be exchanged between the Parties once a mutually agreeable written nondisclosure agreement has been executed between the Parties and export approval has been obtained, if applicable.

More Definitions of Proprietary or Confidential Information

Proprietary or Confidential Information means all information relating to the Company or its Affiliates (such as business plans, trade secrets, or financial information of strategic importance to the Company or its Affiliates) that is not generally known in the beverage industry, that was learned, discovered, developed, conceived, originated or prepared during the Executive’s employment with the Company and the disclosure of which would be harmful to the business prospects, financial status or reputation of the Company or its Affiliates at the time of any disclosure by the Executive.
Proprietary or Confidential Information means information which, if it became publicly available, would cause serious prejudice to the competitive position of the AI; or in respect of which the AI has legally binding obligations to its customers or other counterparties which prevent the AI from disclosing the information.
Proprietary or Confidential Information means information including, but not limited to, all intellectual property, trade secrets, code, data file structures, design, structure and logic interactions, programming, features and modes of operation, techniques, processes, algorithms, mathematical formulae, function specifications, file formats, programming or interoperability interfaces belonging to TVI Electronics.
Proprietary or Confidential Information means all information relating to the Employers, their subsidiaries or affiliates (such as business plans, trade secrets, or financial information of strategic importance to the Employers or their subsidiaries or affiliates) that is not generally known in the airline industry, that was learned, discovered, developed, conceived, originated or prepared during Executive’s employment with the Employers and the disclosure of which would be harmful to the business prospects, financial status or reputation of the Employers or their subsidiaries or affiliates at the time of any disclosure by Executive.
Proprietary or Confidential Information is defined as information – including but not limited to trade secrets, strategies, financial information, sales information, pricing information, strategies, processes, policies, procedures, operational techniques, software, and intellectual property -- that (i) has not previously been published or otherwise disclosed by the Disclosing Party to the general public, (ii) has not previously been available to the Receiving Party or others without confidentiality restrictions, or (iii) is not normally furnished to others without compensation, and which the Disclosing Party wishes to protect against unrestricted disclosure or competitive use. Proprietary or Confidential Information does not include information that, without a breach of this Agreement, is developed independently by the Receiving Party, or that is lawfully known by the Receiving Party and received from a source that was entitled to have the information and was not bound to the Disclosing Party by any confidentiality requirement.
Proprietary or Confidential Information means, with respect to LACCD, all information disclosed concerning the past, present or future business activities of LACCD, its employees, Consultants and/or students, as well as any information reasonably identifiable as the confidential and proprietary information of LACCD. With respect to
Proprietary or Confidential Information means, with respect to a party hereto, all information or material which is either (A) marked "Confidential," "Restricted," or "Proprietary Information" or other similar marking or (B) known by the parties to be considered confidential and proprietary. Proprietary or Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, the System, Programs, Source Code, Object Code, and any trade secrets related thereto. In addition, each of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including pricing and royalty information, shall constitute Proprietary or Confidential Information. Neither party shall have any obligation with respect to Proprietary or Confidential Information which: (i) is or becomes generally known to the public by any means other than a breach of the obligations of a receiving party; (ii) was previously known to the receiving party or rightly received by the receiving party from a third party; (iii) is independently developed by the receiving party without reference to information derived from the other party; and (iv) subject to disclosure under court order or other lawful process.