State Housing Commission definition

State Housing Commission means the State Housing Commission preserved and continued by the Housing Act 1980.4. Assets, liabilities etc., to vest in Authority
State Housing Commission means The State Housing Commission continued under the Housing Act 1980.
State Housing Commission means The State Housing Commission continued under the Housing Act 1980. [Regulation 11 inserted in Gazette 8 Apr 2003 p. 1102‑4.] Schedule 1 — Notices [Heading inserted in Gazette 16 Nov 2004 p. 5051.]Form 1[r. 4(1), 6(1) and (2)]Home Building Contracts Act 1991Home Building Contracts (Home Indemnity Insurance Exemptions) Regulations 2002Builder’s noticeImportant notice about home indemnity insurance for multi‑storey multi‑unit developmentsThe development or dwelling unit concerned

Examples of State Housing Commission in a sentence

  • When Hilton was developed in the 1940’s and 1950’s the State Housing Commission constructed mostly timber framed houses and it was not until the 1960’s that they started to construct brick homes.

  • It has historical value as an area developed by the State Housing Commission to provide affordable housing at a time of increased housing demand in Australia, particularly to house new arrivals: returned servicemen and immigrants.

  • Consequential amendments are made which update references to the State Housing Commission with references to the Housing Authority.

  • These recommendations are intentionally general to leave deliberations on the actual strategies and mechanics for realizing change to the State Housing Commission and the relevant administrative agencies.

  • Land owned by The State Housing Commission is shown at cost plus capitalised costs.

  • The State Housing Commission is the instigator of the Keystart Housing Scheme and has effective control over the whole structure either directly or indirectly through various Agreements which constitute the structure and to which it is a party.

  • Dead algae, vegetation, and debris must be removed from the watersurface.

  • The Board of Directors of the Keystart group of companies comprise four Directors from The State Housing Commission , one Director from the Western Australian Treasury Corporation and two Directors from the private sector.

  • Developed lots on which dwellings are subsequently constructed by The State Housing Commission are transferred to the stock of Rental Properties at fair value as determined by the Valuer General at the date of practical completion.

  • Schedule 1 of the Act is amended, to reflect the merger of the Country Housing Authority and the Government Employees Housing Authority into the State Housing Commission, to be designated as the Housing Authority.

More Definitions of State Housing Commission

State Housing Commission means the State Housing Commission preserved and continued by the Housing Act 1980.
State Housing Commission means The State Housing Commission continued under the Housing Act 1980.[Regulation 6 inserted in Gazette 24 Jan 1997 p. 545.]6A. Prescribed form of preliminary notice under section 17(3)For the purposes of section 17(3) of the Act, the form of a preliminary notice is Form 1 in Schedule 9.[Regulation 6A inserted in Gazette 31 Jul 2001 p. 3947.]7. Prescribed minimum amount for the purposes of section 25AFor the purposes of section 25A of the Act, the minimum amount is prescribed to be $12 000.[Regulation 7 inserted in Gazette 17 Jul 1998 p. 3762.]8. Prescribed offences and modified penalties (section 31B(2) and (4))
State Housing Commission means The State Housing Commission continued under the Housing Act 1980.[Regulation 11 inserted in Gazette 8 Apr 2003 p. 1102-4.] page 12 Compare 23 Nov 2007 [01-a0-05] / 22 Dec 2007 [01-b0-04]Home Building Contracts (Home Indemnity Insurance Exemptions)Regulations 2002Notices Schedule 1 Schedule 1 — Notices[Heading inserted in Gazette 16 Nov 2004 p. 5051.]Form 1[r. 4(1), 6(1) and (2)]Home Building Contracts Act 1991Home Building Contracts (Home Indemnity Insurance Exemptions) Regulations 2002Builder’s noticeImportant notice about home indemnity insurance for multi-storey multi-unit developmentsThe development or dwelling unit concerned

Related to State Housing Commission

  • Michigan state housing development authority means the Michigan state housing development authority created under section 21 of the state housing development authority act of 1966, 1966 PA 346, MCL 125.1421.

  • City Commission means the legislative body of the City of Miami.

  • State hospital means the Montana state hospital."

  • State highway means a state route or portion of a state

  • Planning Commission means the City’s Planning Commission.

  • Redevelopment Commission means the Fishers Redevelopment Commission.

  • Multifamily housing means housing accommodations designed as a residence for more than 1 family.

  • State health plan means the employee and retiree insurance program provided for in Article 5, Chapter 11, Title 1.

  • Affordable housing development means a development included in the Housing Element and Fair Share Plan, and includes, but is not limited to, an inclusionary development, a municipal construction project or a 100 percent affordable development.

  • Affordable Housing Unit means a rental unit in an affordable housing building that rents for an amount that is affordable to households at or below 60% of area medianincome, as most recently determined by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development for the Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, Minnesota-Wisconsin Metropolitan Statistical Area, as adjusted for household size and number of bedrooms.

  • Public Service Commission means the Public Service Commission constituted under this Constitution;

  • private hospital means a hospital that is not a public hospital;

  • Diocesan Schools Commission means the education service provided by the diocese, which may also be known, or referred to, as the Diocesan Education Service.