Examples of Statement of Expectations in a sentence
The dossier includes the candidate’s portfolio, the assessments/ recommendations of the department peers and of the department head, the candidate’s Statement of Expectations and annual reviews since the last promotion and the external review letters.
The Committee shall maintain a Statement of Expectations for Board, Directors and will regularly review the performance of Directors.
PRIP operates under a Statement of Intent (SOI) agreed to by its Directors and is consistent with a Statement of Expectations issued by NPDC.
Students must demonstrate that they have achieved the key roles and associated standards whilst, as indicated above, adhering to and demonstrating the values and principles stated within the NISCC Standards of Conduct for Social Work Students (2014) and the Statement of Expectations (DHSSPS, NISCC: 2014:7.7) from individuals, families, carers, groups and communities who use services or those who care for them.
I will send your cooperating teacher(s) basic information on co-teaching and will encourage both of you to consider how it applies to your situation as you create your Statement of Expectations.
This strategy complements the vision set out in the Governments national strategy and other relevant strategies, (please see Appendix A) and will be updated in light of any new government policies or legislation including a new national Domestic Abuse Strategy, a refreshed National Statement of Expectations, a Men and Boys Position paper and the Police, Crime and Sentencing Courts Bill.
That said, the Statement of Expectations is an outline of the work you and your cooperating teacher plan for you to do over the course of the placement.
In this section outline strategies, not already covered, that directly respond to the Minister’s Statement of Expectations.
TBOP acknowledges the Enduring Statement of Expectations (ESE) and Letter of Expectation (LOE) from Mayor Powell and Mayor Webber.
The most important factor in the tenure decision process is the evaluation of the candidate by his/her colleagues, made in light of the candidate's individual Statement of Expectations.