States concerned definition

States concerned means Parties which are States of export or import, or transit States, whether or not Parties;
States concerned means the State of origin and the State likely to be affected.
States concerned means, in respect of a case of succession of States, a State which before the date of succession of States committed an internationally wrongful act, a State injured by such act and a successor State or States of any of these States:…

Examples of States concerned in a sentence

  • The Member States concerned will be required to cancel the relevant allowances.

  • Subject to Article 64(5), any dispute between two or more Contracting States concerning the interpretation or application of this Treaty or the Regulations, not settled by negotiation, may, by any one of the States concerned, be brought before the International Court of Justice by application in conformity with the Statute of the Court, unless the States concerned agree on some other method of settlement.

More Definitions of States concerned

States concerned means States which are States of export, import or transit, whether or not Contracting States.
States concerned for the purpose of approvals, means the States of Origin and the Operator, unless otherwise specified in the Technical Instructions and for the purpose of exemptions, means the States of Origin, Operator, Transit, Overflight and Destination;
States concerned for the purpose of approvals, means the States of Origin and the Operator, unless otherwise specified in the Technical Instructions.“States concerned” for the purpose of exemptions, means the States of Origin, Operator, Transit, Overflight and Destination“State of Destination” means the State in the territory of which the consignment is finally to be unloaded from an aircraft.“State of Origin” means the State in the territory of which the consignment is first to be loaded on an aircraft.“State of the Operator” means the State in which the operator’s principal place of business is located or, if there is no such place of business, the operator’s permanent residence.“Technical Instructions” means the Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (Doc 9284), approved and issued periodically in accordance with the procedure established by the ICAO Council.“UN number” means the four-digit number assigned by the United Nations Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals to identify an article orsubstance or a particular group of articles or substances.“Unit load device” means any type of freight container, aircraft container, aircraft pallet with a net, or aircraft pallet with a net over an igloo.
States concerned means Parties to the Basel Convention which are States of export or import, or transit States, whether or not Parties to the Basel Convention. > Art 2 (13)
States concerned means States of export or import, or transit states, 39
States concerned means States of export or import, or transit states, whether or not Parties;39
States concerned means the State of origin, the State