STI Group definition
Examples of STI Group in a sentence
Projected Max.3)Share of “financial success” component in variable remuneration (STI)Share of “individual targets” component in variable remuneration (STI) Group CEO0%Approx.
Figure 19: Trends in STI among the population under 25 years during 2000-2008 STI reports per 100,000 age-specific mid year population80706050403020100age 20-24age 15-19age < 15All2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007Source: STI Group, Bureau of AIDS, DDC 2.6 Children and youth drink more, and this creates potential risk for unsafe sexMale students have more pre-marital sex than females and are less aware of their HIV serostatus.
Figure 18: Condom use among youth: 2008 %Secondary evidence for increasing unsafe sex comes from trends in STI data from the network of STI clinics through the STI Group of the DDC of the MOPH.
The construction works of expressways and ancillary facilities and municipal construction works of the Group (not including TCC itself) and STI Group to be conducted by TCC can enhance the revenue from construction operation of TCC and increase its market share in the construction works market.
Surface Technology International Limited or STI Group of Companies reserves the rights to pass any offset spend of Purchase Orders placed to its customers.
At the same time, the Group and STI Group also engage in various types of other construction works.
The amount so determined (including interest at the Applicable Interest Rate through the date of payment) shall be payable within five (5) days after the STI Group Accountants (or such other accounting firm) has made its determination.
BTL shall and shall cause the other members of the Bharti Group (a) to consider each member of the STI Group as its preferred partner in India and (b) to comply with the obligations of the Bharti Group in these Articles.
The STI Group is the primary strategic partner of the Bharti Group in the Indian telecommunication industry.
Without limiting the foregoing, each SSI Member will (i) furnish to STI all relevant information that STI may reasonably require in order to prepare consolidated federal income tax returns of the STI Group and (ii) deliver to STI all consents, directors' resolutions and other documentation that STI may reasonably require to evidence the STI Group's authority to file consolidated federal income tax returns as contemplated in this Agreement.