Strategic Objective definition

Strategic Objective. To profitably grow visitor spending in Ontario  RTOs are expected to develop and deliver strategies to meet the following destination management priorities (pillars) in their region:
Strategic Objective. 1: To focus on increasing overall visitation metrics (visits, length of stay and spend) in Prince Xxxxxx while remaining engaged and receptive to the continually changing dynamics of the tourism industry • Strategic Objective 4b: To work with appropriate partners to assist in the area of product development that will help enhance purchasable options, increase tourism experiences and grow the number of tourism assets that can be taken to market Action steps • Identify businesses that currently offer outdoor adventure experiences in some degree as well as those with the potential to offer them (i.e. retail stores that sell outdoor gear could also rent equipment and offer guided tours). • Invite them to a meeting in which the opportunity for outdoor adventure experiences in Prince Xxxxxx is identified and how Tourism Prince Xxxxxx can help promote them (e.g. website, Visitor Centre, etc.) • Provide information that would be useful to them, information on tourism workshops and guides, tourism statistics, etc. • Follow up and continue to provide information and advice as needed. Potential partnerships • Tourism businesses including guide outfitters, Initiatives Prince Xxxxxx, Chamber of Commerce. Responsibilities • Tourism Prince Xxxxxx. Timeframe • 2015 and ongoing. Budget • Staff time. Evaluation mechanism • Number of businesses offering outdoor adventure experiences and rentals, using 2015 as the baseline. Tactic 5 Build better relationships with regional First Nations and encourage aboriginal tourism product. Short description • One of the unique tourism experiences in BC is aboriginal tourism, of particular interest to European visitors, of which Prince Xxxxxx receives a high percentage. This could include heritage and culture through museums, historic sites, interpretive walks, guided fishing, guided hunting, meals or could include aboriginal arts and crafts that can be purchased. • This is a longer-term tactic that may take some time to come to fruition based on mutual respect and a desire to work together. It will be important that the tourism product is authentic, of high quality, and consistent. Quantifiable objectives • An agreed series of milestones in 2015. Rationale / relation to strategies • Aboriginal experiences are of interest to European visitors and while aboriginal experiences are low to medium motivators for a visit (like history and heritage), they may help in increasing length of stay and visitor satisfaction. • Strategic Objective 4b: T...

Examples of Strategic Objective in a sentence

  • This IAA supports NASA's 2022 Strategic Goal 3: Catalyze Economic Growth And Drive Innovation To Address National Challenges, Strategic Objective 3.1 Innovate and advance transformational space technologies, and the Entry Systems Modeling (ESM) project which is pursuing improved radiative models and characterization of fibrous TPS materials.

  • This Annex supports NASA’s 2022 Strategic Plan and Strategic Objective 3.2 Drive Efficient and Sustainable Aviation.

  • NASA's investments in these areas are guided by Strategic Goal 4: Enhance Capabilities and Operations to Catalyze Current and Future mission Success; and Strategic Objective 4.3: Build the next generation of explorers (Engage students to build a diverse future STEM workforce).

  • NASA JSC's unique experience for certification of human rated structural systems participation under this Agreement aligns with NASA's Strategic Plan 2022, specifically Strategic Objective 2.2, "Develop a human spaceflight economy enabled by a commercial market." This expands the space economy and stimulates the growth of spaceflight commercial activities.

  • This Annex supports NASA’s FY 2022 Strategic Plan and Strategic Objective 3.2: Drive efficient and sustainable aviation.

More Definitions of Strategic Objective

Strategic Objective. 1: To focus on increasing overall visitation metrics (visits, length of stay and spend) in Prince Xxxxxx while remaining engaged and receptive to the continually changing dynamics of the tourism industry • Strategic Objective 4b: To work with appropriate partners to assist in the area of product development that will help enhance purchasable options, increase tourism experiences and grow the number of tourism assets that can be taken to market Action steps • Start with holding workshops or meetings with accommodation properties and those providing visitor experiences to provide information about the opportunity for partnering and to provide an opportunity for the two groups to network and ideally, strike partnerships. • Host a Destination BC Tourism Packaging & Product Distribution workshop for operators to give them further information about how to package tourism products. Potential partnerships • Accommodation properties, tourism-related businesses offering visitor experiences, transportation partners. Responsibilities • Tourism Prince Xxxxxx to provide the opportunity by which accommodation properties and tourism-related businesses can network and eventually work together. • Once the packages are put together, Tourism Prince Xxxxxx to help promote them on its website and other means. Timeframe • 2015 and ongoing. Budget • Staff time, with promotion of these packages in existing promotional materials. If new promotion materials are needed, tourism operators could cover the cost with pay-to-play participation fees. Evaluation mechanism • Number of participating businesses. • Number of packages. Tactic 4 Increase opportunities for visitors to experience outdoor adventure in and around Prince Xxxxxx. Short description • While Prince Xxxxxx is blessed with many parks and natural areas, visitors to Prince Xxxxxx, particularly those on a long vacation through northern BC and/or Alaska, may not know how best to experience them. At the same time, Prince Xxxxxx needs to increase visitor revenue by providing “ticketable” product. • Prince Xxxxxx can increase the number and/or presence of businesses that offer equipment rental and guided tours so it is easier for visitors to experience more of Prince Xxxxxx. • This tactic includes summer as well as winter outdoor experiences, although there would be higher demand for summer outdoor experiences. While both soft and hard adventure experiences can be offered, there will likely be higher demand for soft outdoor experi...
Strategic Objective. 3: Consolidating the institutional framework - seeks to consolidate the Ministry of Public Finance’s capacity of fulfilling its public policy and regulation functions in an efficient and effective manner. Also, the document presents clear programmes and measures necessary to reach these purposes on medium-term, as well as a solid performance assessment framework, in order to estimate the progress relative to these objectives.
Strategic Objective. 3: Develop a capable workforce that has the requisite skills, expertise and capabilities to drive and support rigorous scientific research and technological development in pursuit of Xxxxxx’s mandate of conducting research and fostering industry development and expansion. The workforce profile will reflect the demographic profile of South Africa:
Strategic Objective. 3: Increasing the efficiency and administrative capacity of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a cross-cutting objective, which aims both at obtaining greater efficiency of the services offered to citizens by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as providing support to the operational structures. The three strategic objectives have remained unchanged throughout the implementation of the entire planning process started with PSI 2017-2020. A description of the strategic objectives and the expected effects, of the expected programs and results and of the planned measures, correlated with the financial resources and their distribution during the implementation period, is presented in the body of the Institutional Strategic Plan, in the following sections.
Strategic Objective. 4: Ensure financial sustainability and securing Mintek’s future by achieving a solid research portfolio that is funded through both private and public sources and commercialising Mintek’s technologies; and
Strategic Objective fEAsIBIlIty study for thE ExPAnsIon And ImProvEmEnt of ExhIBItIon, collEctIons And offIcE sPAcEs At thE IzIko sA nAtIonAl GAllEry And mArItImE musEum expansion at ISANG Annually Consultation with DAC and proposal evaluation Discussions were held regarding additional space for the Gallery. Officials from Treasury advised Iziko not to include objectives outside its control in the Strategic Plan. Maritime Museum history accessible Annually Identify suitable space for Maritime Museum Presentation was made to the Department of Arts & Culture to identify a suitable space for the Maritime Museum. strAtEGIc oBjEctIvE: whEElchAIr AccEss At IzIko XXxxxXx housE Xxxxxxx House wheelchair access Annually Brief to procure funding from DAC for a Capital Works Project to install wheelchair access at Xxxxxxx House This is the last site under the sole control of Iziko that does not have wheelchair access. Iziko has submitted a motivation for funding to DAC via the User Asset Management Plan (UAMP).
Strategic Objective means a goal that is usually outcome-oriented to reflect core mission and service-related functions. Stewardship and related objectives may be established to communicate the breadth of agency efforts. Strategic objectives may be described in strategic plans and on as: