Examples of Student at risk in a sentence
USC reserves the right in its sole discretion to cancel or suspend the Program for any events or circumstances that may, in USC's determination, place Student at risk of mental, emotional or physical harm or bodily injury, including but not limited to war, political upheaval, riots or other events in or around the location of the Program.
The school does encourage Parents to routinely view and monitor their child’s technology usage to ensure that information and content shared does not place any Student at risk.
Wiskus, Student’s former Algebra teacher, rated Student at risk in the areas of hyperactivity, somatization, social skills, leadership skills, functional communication, and adaptive skills.
This is also partly due to the incomplete prioritization process, for which KIRC should take responsibility.
She rated Student at risk for bullying, emotional self-control, executive functioning, and resiliency.
If a member of staff has concerns over a Student at risk they will share that with the DSL who will refer the issue to the local Children’s Services/Local Safeguarding Partner Arrangements and the local Prevent Coordinator and/or Channel Panel, a programme focussing on early support for a child or young person identified as being vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism or radicalisation.
Student understands living in the Chapter House puts Student at risk of being exposed to or contracting COVID-19 from other residents.
The Fort Huachuca Test Technology Base TO provide technology support to Intelligence Electronic Warfare Test Directorate (IEWTD), US Army Operational Test Command (USAOTC) at Fort Huachuca.
Student understands living in the Chapter House puts Student at risk of being exposed to or contracting COVID-19 from an employee, guest or other resident.
Student at risk category Students are identified as ‘at risk’ if:• They have shown poor achievement in assessment tasks that may lead to failing a subject• They have failed more than 50% of their available credits for one semester of study• They have failed a compulsory subject.