Examples of Student learning outcomes in a sentence
PLOs are more narrowly focused than ILOs. Student learning outcomes (SLOs) clearly convey the specific and measureable knowledge, skills, and/or behaviors expected and guide the type of assessments to be used to determine if the desired the level of learning has been achieved.
Student learning outcomes are behaviors based on these competencies.
Student learning outcomes are considered in program review and institutional planning.
Student learning outcomes (SLOs) clearly convey the specific and measureable behaviors students must demonstrate in order to achieve the program’s outcomes.
Student learning outcomes vary tremendously among courses, programs and services; they may be cognitive, affective, or psychomotor.
Student learning outcomes that are relevant to the GEP category objectives must be applied to all course sections.
Student learning outcomes will be assessed in relationship to the quality of the work, and will be supported directly through core and elective curricula.
Student learning outcomes will be enhanced through the alignment of professional development, curriculum development, assessment practices, strategic interventions, and use of data.
Student learning outcomes describe what students will know, be able to do or demonstrate as a result of successfully completing a course or an activity.
Student learning outcomes (SLOs) clearly convey the specific and measureable behaviors students will demonstrate in order to achieve the program’s outcomes.