Subsequent Reset Rate definition

Subsequent Reset Rate for any Reset Period means the sum of (i) the applicable Subsequent Reset Reference Rate and (ii) the applicable Reset Margin (rounded down to four decimal places, with 0.00005 being rounded down).
Subsequent Reset Rate for any Reset Period means the sum of (i) the applicable Subsequent Reset Reference Rate, (ii) the applicable Initial Credit Spread and (iii) the applicable Step-Up Margin (rounded down to four decimal places, with 0.00005 being rounded down).
Subsequent Reset Rate for any Reset Period means the sum of (i) the applicable Subsequent Reset Reference Rate and (ii) the applicable Margin.

Examples of Subsequent Reset Rate in a sentence

  • If two or more of the Reference Banks provide the Calculation Agent with Mid-Market Swap Rate Quotations, the First Reset Rate of Interest or the Subsequent Reset Rate of Interest (as applicable) for the relevant Reset Period shall be the sum of the arithmetic mean (rounded, if necessary, to the nearest 0.001 per cent.

  • The First Reset Rate of Interest and each Subsequent Reset Rate of Interest shall be determined by the Calculation Agent at or as soon as practicable after each time at which the relevant Rate of Interest is to be determined.

  • If the Calculation Agent does not at any time for any reason determine the First Reset Rate of Interest or Subsequent Reset Rate of Interest, the Trustee may (at the expense of the Issuer) appoint an agent to do so and such determination or calculation shall be deemed to have been made by the Calculation Agent.

  • The Subsequent Reset Rate for any relevant Reset Period could be less than the relevant Initial Rate of Interest or the relevant Subsequent Reset Rate for prior Reset Periods and could affect the market value of an investment in the relevant Reset Notes.

  • If on any Reset Determination Date only one of the Reference Banks provides the Calculation Agent with a Mid-Market Swap Rate Quotation as provided in the foregoing provisions of this paragraph, the First Reset Rate of Interest or the Subsequent Reset Rate of Interest (as applicable) shall be determined to be the sum of the relevant Mid-Market Swap Rate Quotation provided and the First Margin or Subsequent Margin (as applicable), all as determined by the Calculation Agent.

More Definitions of Subsequent Reset Rate

Subsequent Reset Rate means the sum of the applicable Mid-Swap Rate and the Reset Margin as determined by the Calculation Agent on the relevant Reset Determination Date, subject to any amendments resulting from Condition 3(b)(ii)(C).
Subsequent Reset Rate for any Reset Period means the sum of (i) the applicable Subsequent Reset Reference Rate and (ii) the applicable Reset Margin (such sum being converted, if necessary, by the Agent (or other party responsible for determining the Subsequent Reset Rate) in line with market convention to a basis (e.g. annual, semi- annual, quarterly, etc.) which reflects the frequency of scheduled interest payments on the Notes) (rounded to four decimal places, with 0.00005 being rounded down).
Subsequent Reset Rate means the sum of the applicable Mid-Swap Rate and the Reset Margin as determined by the Calculation Agent on the relevant Reset Determination Date.
Subsequent Reset Rate means the sum of the applicable Mid-Swap Rate and the Reset Margin as determined by the Calculation Agent on the relevant Reset Determination Date, subject to any amendments resulting from Condition 3(b)(ii)(C). (B) Notification of First Reset Rate of Interest, Subsequent Reset Rate of Interest and Interest Amount The Calculation Agent will cause the First Reset Rate of Interest, any Subsequent Reset Rate of Interest and each Interest Amount for each Reset Period and the relevant Interest Payment Date to be notified to the Issuer and any stock exchange on which the relevant Fixed Rate Reset Notes are for the time being listed and notice thereof to be published in accordance with Condition 13 as soon as possible after their determination but in no event later than the fourth Luxembourg Business Day (as defined below) thereafter and, in the case of Fixed Rate Reset Notes admitted to the listing on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and/or on Euronext in Amsterdam, cause each such Rate of Interest, Interest Amount and Interest Payment Date, as the case may be, to be notified to Euronext Amsterdam and/or the Luxembourg stock exchange, as the case may be, in accordance with the rules and regulations of such Stock Exchange. Each Rate of Interest, Interest Amount and Interest Payment Date so notified may subsequently be amended (or appropriate alternative arrangements made by way of adjustment) in the event of an extension or shortening of the Interest Period. Any such amendment will be promptly notified to each stock exchange on which the relevant Fixed Rate Reset Notes are for the time being listed and to the Noteholders in accordance with Condition 13. For the purposes of this paragraph, the expression "Luxembourg Business Day" means a day (other than a Saturday or Sunday) on which banks and foreign exchange markets are open for business in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. (b) Interest on Floating Rate Notes
Subsequent Reset Rate means the sum of the applicable Reset Rate and the Reset Margin (as specified in the applicable Final Terms) as determined by the Calculation Agent on the relevant Rate Determination Date, subject to any amendments resulting from Condition 4(i) (Reference Rate Replacement); and
Subsequent Reset Rate has the meaning specified in Condition 5(a)(II). Substituted Debtor has the meaning specified in Condition 17(a). sub-unit with respect to any currency other than euro, the lowest amount of such currency that is available as legal tender in the country of such currency and, with respect to euro, means one cent. TARGET the Trans-European Automated Real-Time Gross Settlement Express Transfer payment system, launched on 19 November 2007, which utilises a single shared platform. Temporary Global Note a temporary global Note in bearer form. Tier 2 Notes has the meaning specified in Condition 3. Treaty the Treaty establishing the European Community, as amended. Wft has the meaning specified in Condition 3. Wge has the meaning specified in Condition 1. Zero Coupon Notes notes during the term of which no interest shall become due and payable. The applicable Final Terms will specify whether the Tranche constitutes Zero Coupon Notes or not.
Subsequent Reset Rate means the sum of the Reset Margin and the Reset Rate for the relevant Subsequent Reset Period; Subsidiary means, in relation to the Bank at any particular time, any entity: