Examples of Subsidiary body in a sentence
Article 25 Subsidiary body on scientific, technical and technological advice 300.
Subsidiary body of the World Forum, which is responsible for the up-date of the existing requirements with regard of passive safety ,and amongst others those of Regulations No. 44 and 129 (see also the reports and working documents at the homepage address: http://www.unece.org/trans/main/wp29/wp29wgs/wp29grsp/grspage.html).
It had noted that the need to develop draft guidelines for providing official ISPM interpretations, with the idea that such interpretations could help countries to avoid entering into a dispute-settlement procedure, could be investigated and had endorsed the Focus Group recommendation that the Subsidiary body on dispute settlement (SBDS) could discuss this issue further.
Has your seconded staff,country provided direct financial contributionsupport to the for SecretariatSecretariat activities,in terms etc?ofa) noXb) yes Further comments on implementation of this Article Article 25 Subsidiary body on scientific, technical and technological advice 300.
Subsidiary body and committee meetings shall be held weekly, and/or at the discretion of the President, relevant Director, or Executive Board of the subsidiary body.