Substitution Documents definition
Examples of Substitution Documents in a sentence
Except as set forth above, the execution of the Issuer Substitution Documents shall operate to release the Issuer (or such previous substitute as aforesaid) from all its obligations in respect of the Notes and its obligation to indemnify the Trustee under this Indenture.
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Upon the execution of the Issuer Substitution Documents as referred to in paragraph (i) above, the Substituted Debtor shall be deemed to be named in the Notes as the principal Debtor in place of the Issuer (or of any previous substitute under these provisions) and the Notes shall thereupon be deemed to be amended to give effect to the substitution.
Upon the execution of the Issuer Substitution Documents as referred to in paragraph (i) above, the Issuer and the Substituted Debtor will not be subject to the provisions of the covenant described above under Section 4.24.
The Substitute Issuer and the Retiring Issuer shall acknowledge in the Substitution Documents the right of every Noteholder to the production of the Substitution Documents for the enforcement of any of the relevant Notes, Coupons, the Agency Agreement, or (in the case of Registered Notes issued by Toyota Credit Canada Inc.) the TCCI Note Agency Agreement, or in the case of Registered Notes issued by Toyota Motor Credit Corporation) the TMCC Note Agency Agreement, or the Substitution Documents.